Thank-you to the crew of the Pegasus Since beginning of August, - TopicsExpress


Thank-you to the crew of the Pegasus Since beginning of August, the Pegasus, a German sailing boat has been patrolling the Faroes Islands as part of the off shore crew on Operation Grindstop, being an additional sentinel for the whales. We would like to thank Florian Wolf, Wilfried Tenten and Mickael Tenten. Florian Wolf: I joined OP Grindstop 2014 to stop the brutal, unneccessary slaughter of pilot whales and be a voice for the oceans and the cetaceans in the Faroe Islands and everywhere else. Wilfried Tenten: Whale hunting and killing means that we decimate animals of high intelligence and social competence. I am participate the SSCS campaign Grindstop 2014 to help that these animals will keep alive. Michael Tenten: Douglas Adams has some great words of how we deal with the World. If we think everything is made for us, we go on destroying it in the way we do! Just because we think it is made for us! The earth doesn`t need us, the earth is fine!! It is not the problem, that we destroy her, the thing is, we destroy our environment! The earth had bad asteroid impacts and is still there!! It is our choice how to deal with her it is our present and future, not the future of mother earth! Sea Shepherd is a global movement and Florian, Wilfried and Michael are examples of how each and everyone of us can make a difference. It will not be big organizations, corporations or governments that will save our oceans. Change will come about because of the dedication, the courage, the passion and the imagination of volunteers. Danke Pegasus. The offshore team now includes the German sailing vessel Pegasus, the British vessel Spitfire, the Australian trimaran Brigitte Bardot, the French sailing vessel Columbus and the French fast boat squadron of the four fast boats B.S. Sheen, Mike Galesi, Thor, and Loki.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:40:41 +0000

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