Wars... Rumors of Wars... People driving back and forth to work - TopicsExpress


Wars... Rumors of Wars... People driving back and forth to work thanklessly, as what could possibly be the brewing of World War III growing daily in the Middle East. People like Chris Kyle risk it all over there once only to die at home. I was raised like most everyone who might read this. Vote your heart, them support the winner like it or not. Respect the office. So hard to do this day and time when the people who vote are screwed up more than those who dont. I pray my children get to grow to my age in the home of the Free as I did, however that is such a laughable dream I cant even say it with any certainty that it could happen. If we dont stop the politically correct Horse Ship we will live in a free country all the while paranoid of when that next cowardly attack will come. Folks in France they didnt blow up the cartoon company jihad style. It was a tactical military type assault. They are becoming trained well, better equip to take us on. Are we going to sit back until they have atom bombs, and M-4s? Had to win when we send NATO lawyers to make sure our snipers dont shoot the wrong type of Jihadist. The time has come to take politically correct and throw it out the window. You have to fight dirty by getting dirtier. Sure are big patches of ISIS controlled territories, Humas controlled areas and lets not forget our old friends From Yemen who fly planes. The loss of one American Soldier is too much, but something had to be done before it is to late. Right idea dropping bombs on ISIS strongholds, however they are dropping the wrong kind of bomb. Sorry for my rant, just pray for the right decisions to be made, and they dont have to be mine to be right. Just want needs to be done. Time to seek God instead of Allah and dont tell me they are the same.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 13:39:42 +0000

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