You know recently a bunch of friends on facebook attacked me for - TopicsExpress


You know recently a bunch of friends on facebook attacked me for sharing posts about police brutality and corruption. I also share posts about courageous and compassionate acts by civil servants including police. But they chose to gang up on me because their families all have police related to them, one in fact was a retired police officer, or so she said. So I know for sure that the retired police officer has seen some things unless she worked in Mayberry, and those friends, sadly, blew me off because I merely shared the bloody, honest truth. In fact one of them was so over the top, somebody I so admired until that point, that even when I apologized for offending her she only got uglier about it. NOW YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE that none of the offenders in these videos are doing ANYTHING to warrant the brutality being laid on them. ITS MERELY HATEFUL AND ANGRY PEOPLE wearing uniforms who think they can take out their own personal frustrations on any convenient target. NOW UNDERSTAND THIS: I happen t LOVE AND ADORE cops and the work they do, ITS WHEN THEY ARE POOR EXAMPLES, ASSHOLES, BRUTES AND BULLIES, CORRUPT AND DISHONEST THAT I CANT STAND THEIR BEHAVIOR, and this is the point i was trying to get across then and now. EVEN ONE INCIDENT SUCH AS THOSE PORTRAYED HERE is too many, BUT THIS GOES ON ALL DAY EVERY DAY IN THIS LAND and anybody who doesnt like hearing about it can kiss my ass. I WILL REPORT on corruption, and I will continue to PRAISE AND ADMIRE THOSE CIVIL SERVANTS who display admirable behavior. If anybody here is a cop hater, DONT INTERPRET WHAT IT POST as being like you. If anybody here is a lover of law enrforcement when its done right, Im with you. All others, understand this; THE POINT IS BAD BEHAVIOR BY THOSE WHO ARE EXPECTED TO LIVE UP TO A HIGHER STANDARD than the average citizen. Those friends who just couldnt get that point through their fat heads all pretend to be liberal and progressive, and yet it became apparent to me that they dont know the meaning of those terms at all, that they are by default or by choice condoning acts of fascist brute force, they simply think their type of hatred and hypocrisy is okay, and that its okay for those charged with keeping the PEACE to cross the line. ITS NOT OKAY, and I WILL post whatever I damn well feel like and if anybody doesnt like it, TOUGH SHIT. THIS TIME IM POSTING SOMETHING ABOUT MISBEHAVIOR, the last thing I posted about cops was ADMIRABLE AND PRAISEWORTHY, so GET OVER IT ASSHOLES who cant handle what I do here. I WORK FOR TRUTH, and this page eats fascists.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 10:06:58 +0000

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