20 ways to spot a Wahabi/Salafi/Izala. 1.They Says AUDHUBILLAH - TopicsExpress


20 ways to spot a Wahabi/Salafi/Izala. 1.They Says AUDHUBILLAH when hearing the loud dhikr of a gathering and repeptition of praise to Allah. 2. Claims loud dhikr to be bidah dalalah(blameworthy innovation). 3. Claims sufism/tasawwuf to be bidah dalalah(blameworthy innovation). 4. Too much love for prophet (saw) is Kufr. Subhanallah 5.Claims Tawassul to be shirk and kufr. Those who do it are declared mushrik and kafir. 6. Claims that visiting graves of saints Awliya is haram. 7. Claims that visiting Madinah with the intention of visiting the Prophets grave is haram. 8. Claims that taqleed (imitation, following) means blind following and that it is haram and even shirk. 9. Claims that saying Ya Rasulullah is shirk and kufr without consideration of why many Muslims do that or whether it has support(it does). 10. Approves the destruction of important and historical Islamic sites by the Saudi regime. 11. Asks you to pin point where Allah is or he will do it himself. 12. Declares that Allah has literal hands, face etc.(in talbis jahmiyah of ibn taymiyah) 13. Uses verses meant for PAGANS on Muslims such as [Who is more astray than the one who performs supplication (dua) to [worship] other than Allah; the one other than Allah he supplicates to will not answer his dua.] Surah Al- Ahqaf, verse 5. **Ibn Abdul Wahab the great innovator started this. 14. Calls Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab SHEIKHUL ISLAM haha . 15. Calls the self made scholar Nasiruddin Al-Albani Sheikhul Hadithhihi 16. Belittles the fiqh of the four great schools of Ahl Sunnah Wal Jamaah, especially the Hanafiyyah fiqh. 17. Belittles the scholars of Ahl Sunnah Wal Jamaah. 18.They Declares Al-Hujjatul Islam Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali RTA a deviant and that his book Ihya Ulumuddin a weak book. 19. Uses and gloat about the term ittiba in replacement of taqleed, thinking it makes them right and clever. Beware. 20. Makes indiscriminate fatawa about fiqhi issues without proper qualifications. 21. Loves making takfir and making declarations and pronouncements of bidah on others. 22. Attempts to discredit and weaken the positions of the four great schools of fiqh of Ahl Sunnah Wal Jamaah by citing sahih hadith that may seem or appear contradictory to the established positions to the eyes of mundane individuals, that doesnt learn islam. If a person you meet has any of the above examples, there is 90% chance that he is a Wahabi aka Salafi. If a person you meet has all of the above criteria, then he is 110% a WAHABI. Beware of such individuals, for their speech because their virus doesnt have anti-virus. For more info. (Attijjeniy@gmail) SUFISM WILL LIBERATE YOU FROM ALL THE ABOVE QUOTE.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:00:40 +0000

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