......4rm de previous page: In de sittin room, i asked her 2 make - TopicsExpress


......4rm de previous page: In de sittin room, i asked her 2 make herself comfortable, while i go upstairs 2 change my cloth. While climbing de staircase, i kept ruminating in my mind wat 2 say, or do wit my univited guest. Although, i bargained 4 dis in de first place by asking 4 her phone num, but it didnt occure 2 me she cud make such hasty move. However, i decided 2 let fate unfold its self. I returned into de sittin room only 2 see her lying on one of de sofers, wit her skirt ridden up above her knees exposing her perfect curved thighs. Wow!...Men, i no lie u...she had sometn right there dat was hard 4 any canal man 2 resist. Cold sensation creeped up my spine nd goose pimples formed allover my body. I was lost, dat i didnt knw wen i began 2 stutter..i..i..i...mmmh...mmh....stil unable 2 take away my eyes off her exposed succulent body. Noticing dat she had hooked me, she smiled mischeviously, got off de sofer nd strolled 2wards me. I was stil standin transfixed like a dummy wit my mouth agape, wen she reached me nd crossed her arms around my neck nd started kissin me raveneously. Men, i nearly succumbed 2 her kisses but half way, 4rm nowhere i was brought bac 2 reality nd courage was restored instantly. Gently, i pushed her away 4rm me nd told her 2 sit down while i offer her smethin 2 drink. Wat do i offer u? I asked her. Champagne she replied. I got up, went 2 de bar in de dinning hall were i stashed assortment of drinks, brought a bottle of Champagne nd two glass cups. I poured drinks into de 2 cups, offered her one nd we started sippin de drinks. Then i asked her 2 tell me about herself. There is nothin 2 tell abt she responded, but anyway shaaa...my name is Vanessa she began, 4th child in a family of nine, eight girls nd a boy. A 200 level student of Mass Comm. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.(NAU) U re supposed 2 be in school by now. Why re u home, i querried her. I...i...i....eehh....eehh...she stutterd as she fidgetd wit her drink...TO BE CON..
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:00:45 +0000

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