A JetBlue flight made an emergency landing at Long Beach Airport - TopicsExpress


A JetBlue flight made an emergency landing at Long Beach Airport in California after losing an engine on Thursday morning. One passenger filmed the inside of the aircraft, while a movie star aboard live tweeted the incident.The Airbus A320 had taken off from the southern California airport about 15 minutes before, heading for its destination of Austin, Texas. It was over the ocean when passengers heard a loud pop. “On September 18, the flight crew aboard flight 1416 reported an issue with the number two engine and returned to Long Beach Airport,” JetBlue officials said in a statement.The pilots had received a warning signal that the engine was overheating, Jake Heflin of the Long Beach Fire Department told KCAL .“There was a loud boom and then immediately the cabin filled with smoke,” said Jarrod West. “The masks didnt drop at first.”“They proceeded to have some smoke inside the cabin,” Heflin said. “The pilots then deployed both extinguishing agents.”Passenger Jonathon Hubbard sat in the emergency row on board. “Smoke engulfed the cabin where you couldn’t see the person next to you,” said Hubbard. “It was that bad. For the most part, people stayed calm.Actor Jackson Rathbone, the 29-year-old who played Jasper in the Twilight series, live-blogged the experience on WhoSay .“The oxygen masks did not deploy, but the brave stewardesses came around and manually deployed them. It was rough, the plane was rocking…” Rathbone wrote. “I recited the Lords Prayer as I held my son and my wife in my arms. The pilot came on the PA and let us know we lost the right engine.”“We were told to brace as we careened sharply back towards land,” the actor continued. “Over the PA, the pilot yelled ‘Brace!’ The stewardesses made it into a chant. I wrapped my arm around us. And we braced.”The plane landed safely back at Long Beach, 25 minutes after it took off, and emergency slides deployed to quickly deplane the 142 passengers and five crew members who were on board.There were four patients that were treated and evaluated by Long Beach Fire Department paramedics on scene of the incident itself, one of those patients complained of shortness of breath and was transported to a local area hospital,” Helfin said. The other three patients were evaluated and treated on scene, KCAL reported. Long Beach Airport was reopened shortly before 11:30 a.m., about two hours after the emergency landing. 美國一架廉價航空班機傳出機艙冒煙意外,班機隨後緊急降落加州長灘機場,機上4人輕傷,所幸並無大礙。據美聯社報導,該架「捷藍航空」(JetBlue)班機於當地時間18日上午9時起飛,目的地為德州奧斯丁機場。沒想到飛機起飛約10分鐘後,有乘客聽到一聲「蹦」,接著機艙內冒出陣陣濃煙,乘客形容「濃到看不見隔壁乘客」,而所有人全都戴上氧氣罩,不少人臉色大變,很擔心遭遇空難。該班機緊急返回長灘機場降落,147名乘客及機組員內有4人輕傷。據了解,飛機冒煙原因為引擎過熱。這架載有147人的班機,18日上午9時自加州長灘機場飛往德州,不料起飛後約半小時,右引擎就爆炸,機艙瞬間冒起陣陣濃煙。乘客戴伯夫(Dean Delbaugh)說:「所有人都在哭,我以為就要死了。」還有人用手機拍下當時狀況,畫面中可看到所有乘客已戴上氧氣面罩,神情緊張且不時傳出哭聲。針對這起意外,捷藍尚未有官方聲明。不過這已是該公司近來第二起引擎爆炸事件。今年8月一架自波多黎各聖胡安市起飛航班也曾傳出引擎起火,所幸並未造成人員受傷。
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 14:53:33 +0000

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