BREAKING NEWS: JB SHUNS PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE TO ACCOMODATE HERSELF TB JOSHUA VISIT AFTER PROPHENCY BY TB JOSHUA AGAINST HER: It has been comfirmed in all media houses in Malawi and internationaly that JB wont be available for dabate stated to take place next week. Inside BUT trusted source from state house had told this informat about JB to be in Nigeria soon before Elections! It have been reported that,TB Joshua in his last sunday prephency,no woman will be president in SADC region after this years elections a development that nvr go well with JB! She is very frustrated that she cant even talk to her own husband nicely due to stress fearing cashgate investigations after elections! JB have arrange to visit her spiritual father in Nigeria to ask HIM chances of reversing the prophency. Meanwhile No1 handclapper from PP mr Paul Maulidi had told media that JB will be busy engaging voters a reason she think is greater than attending debate! PP runningmate who wish to be Malawis Second In Command if they could success in their plan to rig elections,last month ran away from Running Mate debate a thing some commentators called CHILDISH. JB had been visiting TB Joshua optenly and repeated calling him her spiritual dad who she trust a lot. As elections are around the corner,stay turned,will leave no stone unturned.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 14:07:56 +0000

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