DAILY SPIRITUAL MENU. DO SOME PARENTS KNOW THEIR PARENTAL ROLE IN UPBRINGING THEIR CHILDREN? Sometimes one would ask, do some parents really know their parental role? The answer can be Yes and No. When a child starts misbehaving seriously, people will not blame the child 100% but look at where that child springs or comes from. It is therefore the duty of every parent to ensure that children are nurtured and molded into morally upright and responsible people in society. Today some parents have the I do not care attitude towards the upbringing of their children. You may find that a child is not serious with school and instead of giving proper and parental guidance to the child, the parent will just say, “me I have completed school and it is your own fault if you do not work hard at school and you will suffer alone.” Surely if that child is really yours, why produce such demeaning and inhuman words to a child? How many people in this world that do not have children and long to have even one or adopt and prove that they are good parents. Sometimes people, who have been blessed with children and yet do not care about the welfare of their children, need to think twice and put themselves in the shoes of those who do not have, in short they need to empathize. Children need to be encouraged from time and again if anything, every day. As a good parent at least speak life to your children like, you are an intelligent child, you are doing just fine, I love you, you can become anything you dream of becoming if only you work hard at school, you are the best etc. These are the words that mold children into wonderful and responsible children and they will grow up with it. We also need to be very extra careful, the Bible says the tongue has power to bless and at the same time it has power to curse for it is untamed. So let us try at least to tame our tongues and be able to speak life giving words to loved children. Children are a blessing and if we are not happy with them, we might as well say or tell God I was not ready but you still gave me. Imagine what people go through to just have a child and someone out there puts in a plastic bag and another throws in the pit latrine, people let us respect life and appreciate that God has blessed us to be parents. Let us all strive to be good parents and God will bless us more. As it is written in Jeremiah 29:11-13 that God has a special plan for each and every one of us…. Ernesto Critix.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 06:59:11 +0000

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