DEMONIZATION WITHOUT ENLIGHTENMENT ————————————————————— Here’s an experiment. Enter the search term, Islamic State, into any one of your search engines and you’re likely to find right-leaning, alarmist stories rather than dispassionate inquiry into the nature of the Islamic State. Take this story, for example. The Wall Street Journal wants you to know all about the Islamic State’s piracy and criminality, but there is no discussion about tribal ties or the Arab states that have supported it or the Arab states reluctant to combat it. There is no discussion of an inelligence failure staring in the face. There is no discussion of the Islamic State’s role in the great Shia-Sunni conflict. In other words, there is demonization without enlightenment. Anyone anywhere can be demonized for a purpose—Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama, Francois Hollande, David Cameron, Angele Merkle, you name them. What is needed is inquiry. Why did the rise of the Islamic State take our intelligence community unawares? Or did it? Who is using the Islamic State for his own purposes? Where are its arms coming from? Who is profiting by supplying it with arms? Who is buying the oil it has hijacked? None of these questions are being addressed, much less answered.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:34:52 +0000

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