***EMERGENCY MIRACLE NEEDED FOR MY HUSBAND Rodney Wilson*** Greetings to All that read, My husband Rodney Wilson is in dyer need of a kidney transplant. Therefore, we reach out to the world seeking potential donors that can help us. In 2007 he went for a normal check up and the doctors gave him the wrong medicine that destroyed his birth kidneys so he received a kidney transplant in 2008. Everything was going well until he contracted Chicken Pox on the transplanted kidney, the doctor put him on medicine to fight the pox; it removed the chicken pox but scarred the transplanted kidney. TO DATE HE HAS VERY LITTLE TO NO KIDNEY FUNCTION and is in DESPERATE NEED OF A NEW KIDNEY IMMEDIATELY asap Please. He has to do dialysis every 4 hours every single day until he gets a donor. He no longer go to the clinic for Dialysis becuse it was to hard and harsh on his body. His blood pressure would drop so low that sometimes he think he was dying right there because everything turned white and he started losing his functions. One time is blood pressure dropped to 57/32 and that wasnt the first or last time that it happen often times that would happen while we were at home with our 2yr old and 6month old at the time. It is a very hard and sad thing to watch your partner suffer so bad. But I know that God is able to do all things and all i can do now is pray and ask for you guys help. My husband (age 41) is a great loving man to me and a father of 5 children (ages 18, 15, 14 & 3 yrs old and 1 years old). He is always happy and smiling and rarely have unhappy days in spite of his illness. Rodney has been thru hell and back. He never complain about it or would ask why. He is also a fun, social, loving, caring and compassionate man with a heart of gold and would help others before helping himself. Rodney & I have been together for 5 years and all that he purchased for himself was a $100.00 television stand for a tv that i bought him. Please, if anyone can help us we would appreciate it so much. You may inbox either of us here on Facebook for more details. However, if you are unable to assist will you please share our story and pray that we find a donor? As his wife I am not a match because I developed high blood pressure after the birth of our 2nd daughter. Tearfully, we cannot thank you all enough for your outreach support. God bless you in advance. **If you reside out of state all of your travel expenses will be paid in full. Vanderbilt hospital is located in Nashville Tennessee** If you want to find out how to become a possible match you have to first complete a short and confidential questionnaire on their website mc.vanderbilt.edu - with love we say thank you from the Wilson family❤❤❤ P.s this is a prayer that i heard my 3 year old dughter pray to God as she watched the Paramedics lift her dad into the ambulance. Dear God help daddy feel better and give him a bandaid in Jesuse name Amen and Hallelujah I felt so compelled inside to help fight even harder to help my husband their father.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 22:22:10 +0000

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