Facebook users : I am going to write about the site where I - TopicsExpress


Facebook users : I am going to write about the site where I spend most of my time. Guess which one is that site? It’s the best social networking site Facebook. It is the biggest and most popular social networking website in the world with more than 1 billion+ active users. I have differentiated these 1 billion users into some specific categories. I hope you would enjoy reading about different types of Facebook users. History of Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg is the creator and CEO of Facebook. In 2003 he created Facemash which is the earlier version of Facebook. He created it in his Harvard Dorm when he was a student. Later he converted Facemash to Facebook. He launched the original website in 2004. Popularity of Facebook: The popularity of Facebook started to increase rapidly soon after launching the original site. Within 1 year Facebook took over Myspace which used to be the most popular social networking site. People all over the world started to join Facebook. Gradually Facebook became the most populated social networking site in the world. Types of Facebook user Facebook status updater: This is the most common type of Facebook users. These users would update their Facebook status frequently. They would write each and every thing about their life. For example, where they are going, what they are eating, how they are feeling, what they are watching etc. Some of the crazy status updater would even update about their personal activities such as going to toilet !! These people really need some privacy or give other some privacy. Facebook gamer: A lot of my Facebook friends like to play Facebook games all the time. Its fine that they like to play games but it is annoying when they keep inviting you to play with them. When you ignore their invitation they might message to accept their request. If you join the game then they would request you to send gifts and other stuff. If you dont like and leave it, they are gonna message you once again. The only way to get rid of their request is to block the game at first place. Facebook photo uploader : Some types of Facebook users would continuously upload photos. I dont mind when I see Good photos. In fact I love to watch good photos. But some people upload photos which might upset other users or give them a different feeling. Some people uploaded photos breast feeding. Facebook did not like these kind of activities and deleted the photos. Some of the users were banned for such kind of photos. So, be careful in uploading photos and make sure you wear cloth before taking photos. Facebook liker: People of this category click the like button on every Fan pages. It doesnt matter whether they like it or not , they are gonna click the like button. The worst part is that, when they like any sponsored page or post, it is gonna appear in your news feed. Facebook Romeo and Juliet: Some romantic friends are always busy in changing their relationship status. They are usually send romantic messages on each other Facebook wall, upload romantic photos etc. And suddenly they shift the reverse gear and change their relationship status back to single. Again you see their relationship status with any other person. This is how the Facebook relationship cycle continues. Note: This case is not true for each and every person. Facebook Poker: This type of Facebook users likes to poke other users. Facebook itself does not have any definition of the poke function. Mark Zuckerberg said, the function was created to nudge other member. Facebook link sharer: Some type of Facebook users will continuously share the links and of different fan pages all the time. No matter they get any feed back to their shares , they are gonna share the links and posts. If you like to share links in your wall then please do not forget to share this article as well. Facebook fake profile users: There are types of Facebook users who will create fake profiles of celebrities, people or organization without any specific objective. It seems they are just not being happy with their original profile. Sometime type of users like to other users by creating a fake profile. Thats bad !! Facebook Crybabies: The are some type of emotional Facebook users who will cry in each and every status. I am feeling said because bla bla bla, I am so bad because bla bla bla etc. You would rarely find any normal or happy status from them. Facebook Quiz player: These type of Facebook users just likes to use Facebook apps and quizzes to kill their time. These users used to annoy me before with the regular update of those apps. But now Facebook gave us the option to hide all posts from those apps which is great ! Facebook group, page or event maker: Friends of this category are busy in creating events, group or fan pages. Facebook Stalker: These kind of Facebook users would stalk the profile of other users to steal information about them. They might not add you as friend but they would stalk you to take your information. Facebook Jealous Partner: A Facebook jealous partner would also suspect you in each and every Facebook activities. He or she might ask you , why did you go there , why did you take the photos , what does your status mean , etc. etc.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:05:34 +0000

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