Had to share :) In my morning reading I stumbled on a word we - TopicsExpress


Had to share :) In my morning reading I stumbled on a word we dont hear much about Sifted 1. Accelerated spiritual growth in times of trouble, 2. Increased trust in God and surrender to His sovereignty, 3. Refined and cultivated seed for increased fruitfulness and multiplication, 4. The seemingly painful process through which every child of God has or will face trials that result in being broken and refined, strengthened and restored, and grown and empowered for God’s glory and Kingdom expansion. Worldly trouble intersecting spiritual warfare producing increased surrender to God God allows us to be “sifted” (Luke 22:31-32) through trials and temptations to grow us as followers and leaders. How we respond as church leaders not only shapes who we become, but also those who we lead because we reproduce who we are. -Francis Chan
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:10:57 +0000

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