Heavenly Father, You promise in Your word, that if we - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father, You promise in Your word, that if we acknowledge You, that You will direct our path. You tell us that Your Word is a light unto our path. You tell us that the ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine. But the road of wrongdoing, gets darker and darker and those travelers can’t see a thing; they will fall flat on their faces. You tell us Lord, that we can make our plans, but it is You that directs our steps and makes them happen. You tell us that broad is the way that leads to death, but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Lord, we are asking for You to lead and guide us today. Please go before us and make the rough roads smooth. Open doors that only You can open and no man can close. Lord, we ask for Your wisdom. we ask for Your knowledge, so we might understand Your will for our lives. so we might understand Your Word, so we will not stray to the left or the right, but stay on the right course that leads to You. Father, when life is hard, it seems like our pain and our journey will never end, and that is what the enemy would have us believe. He knows everything we do or don’t do, has eternal implications. He would love to see us waste our days mired in things that pull us backwards. He would love to see us helpless on the side of the road…oblivious to the many blessings that wait for us on the path You have chosen for us. Help us to make the most of our days, Lord. We ask that You heal the hurting hearts…we ask that You help us to learn the lessons we need to, so we don’t keep making the same mistakes and waste our limited time. Help us to keep maturing and moving forward in our walks with You. Help us to keep our eyes focused on our eternal destination. Thank you that the valley’s in life will lead to the mountain top. We love you Father and ask these things in Jesus name, Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:13:36 +0000

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