I feel I must share this message. This is unique to me, I have not - TopicsExpress


I feel I must share this message. This is unique to me, I have not read this anywhere. If I am correct I actually might be dangerous. The dollar is about to collapse. Like extremely soon. I would take as much dollars you are comfortable with and transfer them into precious metals ASAP after reading my analysis. If you think I’m wrong and crazy, that’s okay, but use your brain and I think you’ll come to similar conclusions. Without clouding it too much with my own thoughts, here goes. A lot of this compilation has been pasted from previous thought chains, so it may be obvious. For a little background, just get familiar with the countries involved in this, and keep this in the back of your mind. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRICS You have to hand it to the folks who designed this mess we find ourselves in. Really, it started way before 9/11, obvious...ly, because that was the day it became official. 9/11 was the precursor, or the initiator, to get the US in the countries of Iraq and Afghanistan for the purposes of setting in motion a series of events that would lead to regional destabilization, initially funded by missing defense funds reported by Rumsfeld the day prior to 9/11. Once we were occupying these countries, our intelligence agencies had much more funding (because we were officially at war,) and were able to covertly recruit our own sleeper cells in various countries such as Libya, Syria, Egypt, Ukraine, etc etc., waiting for certain triggers or events, or even a freaking email saying its time for them to play out their parts in whatever countries they happen to be in. Weve been proven to be behind the majority of these Arab springs going on around the world. These events have destabilized country after country, instilling our own democratically instituted governments (or none at all,) until we find ourselves at our true target: WWIII, and Russias doorstep. Events leading up to WWIII are playing out. Destabilization is now on Russias doorstep, and we continue to provocate and instigate all these countries that used to be pro-Russia, evidenced by recent emails that implicate the US and our involvement in the Ukrainian uprising. Funny, officially weve been off of the cold war for a long time, but unofficially, well, here we are. Anyways, thats just an afterthought as Im reading my notes. Evidence is also showing that whomever is behind the shootings in Kiev that injured and killed both protesters and police alike were fired by the same group of people. Meaning one person was likely shooting at both police and civilians, intentionally escalating what could have been a peaceful uprising into an international incident. Russia, for their part, legitimately recognized what we have been doing in the region, and how we have been getting closer and closer to their area. Once the uprising in Kiev started, and they saw that there were people getting shot at in the streets, and it WASNT by them, they realized that the violence could spread to Crimea and potentially affect Russian citizens. It also was a opportunistic moment to perhaps gain a little land, or to put imperialistic US government in their place, or whatever, but theyre there, and it appears the people of Crimea want them there. Now, we are threatening sanctions against Russia for THEIR involvement in the Ukraine! We have been causing all these problems in the region, and we are the ones who are halfway around the world trying to police these places, and all Russia is doing is protecting its people! What does Putin do? He threatens economic sanctions back at the US! When the Crimea vote happens on Sunday, Im willing they vote to become part of Russia (edit, they overwhelmingly did,) which Russia is more than happy to oblige. If / when that happens, and Obama goes ahead with sanctions, we will be in serious trouble. China is the largest holder and purchaser of US debt. They are also Russias neighbor, and ally. If Russia calls for sanctions against the US, and China goes along and stops trade / dumps the dollar, guess whos economy is going to collapse? Not communist run China! Not Putins Russia! Hello WWIII. As soon as Russia threatened sanctions, the conflict in the Ukraine all but disappeared from the medias news cycle, in favor of a missing Malaysian plane. A missing plane in which naval warships from many different nations are searching over a 9000 square mile distance, just south of CHINA. Theyre not searching for a freaking plane! Theyre staging military assets, and a lot of them. The worst part is, the citizens of the US do not support what we are doing in these other countries. The US government is illegally supporting the uprising in Ukraine, and we expect to get away with it, but when Russia secures an area, restoring order and maintaining peace, and the PEOPLE VOTE TO KEEP THEM THERE, we expect better? We condemn their actions, even though we have been exposed as the instigator? The is some of the most un-American BS I have ever heard of. The actions our leaders are doing could very well result in nuclear war because of the players we are now messing with. So, as a prelude to this vote regarding Crimea on Sunday, there have been escalating shows of force on both sides. Economic sanctions, international community outrage, etc. It seems that none of that matters, Russia is not being deterred. We needed a distraction.. Lets make a jet disappear in front of the worlds eyes, and make everyone look for it like it just vanished off the face of the earth. It didnt vanish. It was an escalation of force. It was, hey, look at us, we can make a Boeing 777 vanish without a trace. Think of the implications of that. If we can make a massive 777 vanish, we can make much smaller things disappear, cant we? Like ICBMs? Fighter jets? Individual soldiers? It was a deterrent, an escalation of force, as well as an official test of cloaking technology, similar to witnessing the first atomic bomb go off. History is what we witnessed, we just don’t know it yet. Who owns this technology? I think we used to, and those scientists and engineers with that high tech knowledge defected to another government. What if, all at once, all the naval ships that were searching for the plane just also disappeared simultaneously? What if, it were all the Chinese ships? Mark my words. That plane disappeared via technology. Right now, there are negotiations going on between Russia, US, and China. There are one of three things that are going to come of this: 1. Negotiations go bad for the US and we throw a tantrum. A different Boeing 777 (false flag) gets fresh paint and loaded with explosives (nuclear?) Gets detonated over American city. Americans get riled up and war propaganda comes back full swing. Americans would never support another war right now, especially against such powers like Russia and China 2. Negotiations go good for global banking elite, and the plane gets found in the ocean. Without getting into detail, Russia / Ukraine crisis quietly goes away. Global bankers win, NWO achieved. 3. Negotiations go south, and before the US decides to act, Russia and China unite to preemptively strike the US using an EMP, using the same mentality that justified dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Plus, since the EMP was delivered using cloaking technology, we wouldnt know where it came from or who to fire back at. That was the thing about the cold war... It was always mutually assured destruction. With cloaking? Not so much. The timing of this plane disappearing is all too neat and clean for it to be coincidence, because of the media reaction. Based on the reaction of the US, AS WELL AS the nationality of the passengers of the plane, Im almost leaning towards Russia or China possessing this plane and technology as opposed to us. If we KNEW that the plane disappeared via cloaking tech as a result of an escalation of force, we wouldnt send a bunch of naval warships to search for it. We would have sent a couple of search and rescue planes and called it a day. No, we sent a bunch of boats because we really REALLY hope that it isnt true, that another country cant possibly have this technology. We want to find it in the ocean. We just wont. Remember that link I asked you to keep in the back of your mind from the beginning of this, regarding the BRICS? If you need a reminder, here it is: [link to en.wikipedia.org] Bankers are always the ones to benefit from war. Maybe this group is standing up to the bankers that are in control of the US? The more thought I put into this whole scenario, the more I am leaning towards this is moving towards a global conflict over banking systems. If you think there is a ring of truth to this, feel free to share it too. Until that plane shows up, I’m kind of nervous. I am preparing my family mentally for the possibility of this, as well as trying to have at least “some” food and water on hand. Even FEMA recommends every family prepares for a disaster. What I’m suggesting is, if you have the means, I might prepare for some tough times ahead. Also, I’d watch the markets on Monday, because someone took a lot of money out of our markets before they closed on Friday. Anyways. We witnessed history this week. Take care and prepare. Please Post edit. There will be sanctions, says Obama. If Russia recommends sanctions back, and China is already planning on dumping the dollar anyways, they will go along with sanctions and destroy our economy by “giving” us all our dollars back, flooding the economy with excess currency and leading to hyper-inflation overnight. Those with money now can transfer to a safe investment like gold and silver, and convert it after this crisis to whatever is after the doller. Once this flood happens, those with money now will find their money worthless unless they diversified ahead of time. Remember, we have been printing money out of thin air for a long time. I think it’s because China has been holding onto our “debt” (money,) and have been planning this for a long time. We had to print money to keep our economy going because China wasn’t letting go of our dollars back to our economy, and we allowed this. If you want to talk more, let me know.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 15:53:41 +0000

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