Im so sick of this debate. Whether you do-no-good Lefties and - TopicsExpress


Im so sick of this debate. Whether you do-no-good Lefties and apologists can admit it or not, the fact is most Muslims are creating two Australias in one - the Muslim Australia, and the Everyone Else Australia. I’m so sick and tired of people saying we don’t have an escalating Islamic problem in our country. I’m sick and tired of people saying we need to let them into government, where they will have more power in this country. I’m sick and bloody tired of people making excuses to explain away the horrendous atrocities muslims are committing around the world on a weekly basis!! They shouldn’t be here, and the number of Australians not wanting muslims here is increasing rapidly. Thank God! Australians generally ARENT racist, but what we ARE is SICK AND TIRED of having OUR country denigrated, OUR way of life spat at, OUR laws questioned, OUR culture amended because it offends Muslims. What we ARE sick of is that, true to the generosity of heart and spirit that we Aussies are world renowned for we open our arms and hearts to you, but that has been accepted to accommodate a hidden agenda. One that many Australians are only REALLY just starting to wake up to. Our welcoming arms, our WANT to help people who say they are in fear of their lives, our financial assistance unlike NO OTHER country in the world that I know of, has ALL BEEN THROWN IN OUR FACES! Sure, 50 years ago it was the norm for Aussies to call new arrivals names such as dago, spick, spiv and wog BUT it was like an initiation of sorts - see it for the Aussie way that was us then, and laugh it off, and you were then one of us. Greeks, Italians, Germans, Polish, South Africans, Chinese .... they kept their own cultures and religions as theirs, but they all socialised with US and learned about ours. THEY shared their family traditions, their cultural celebrations with us. They WANTED to learn about being Australian. They WANTED to understand our jokes. They WANTED their kids to grow up Australian in every sense. THEY wanted to be Italian Aussies or Chinese Aussies. WE could trust them because they had no hidden agenda. this was the best citizenship test ever. The Australians of every religion and race have, so far, embraced Australia and everything about it, from our cuisine to our culture, to our people, to our quirky Aussie-isms. And yes, we call Chinese, German, Swedish, British, Greek, Vietnamese, Korean and many other nationalities “Aussies” because they ARE and they love and value my country, just as I, a 7th generation, Aussie love my country. But not the Muslims. They don’t love and respect our country like everyone else here loves and respects it, they don’t contribute nearly as much as every other group of people in our society, they show absolutely no deference to the fact that they are lucky to be here. From what I’ve seen of their behaviour and outward disgust of everything that defines our country and culture, many of them don’t deserve to be called Australians. They don’t deserve to be here, and until I see a marked improvement in their cowardly, pack mentality, and until I see their community as a whole start showing Australia and Australians the respect and thanks we deserve, they can go to hell as far as I’m concerned. If I dared to behave like they do on the streets of Iran, or Iraq, or Syria, or Turkey .... I’d be shot on the spot. Australia and its people, through our kindness and acceptance of others, and our desire to blindly follow the politically correct and much desired path to multiculturalism utopia that peaceful, civilised, free thinking people want and seek, GAVE MUSLIMS THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES as every other person weve welcomed here, but they STILL arent happy. Seeing the difference? Seeing the problem THEY have created for THEMSELVES? Seeing how THEY are dividing US? Dividing US when WE should ALL be united in protecting Australia, our freedoms in OUR backyard, and OUR way of life. The way of life our families, generations whove gone before us, worked so hard to contribute to, protect and build upon. The Australia that WE want for OUR children, and grand children, and many generations to come. By the way, by US I mean ALL Aussies who LOVE AUSTRALIA THE WAY IT IS, be they black, white or purple, and even if they worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Muslims have successfully split us into two camps - On one hand, the sympathisers camp. The individuals who either cant or wont do any research for themselves, so as to make an informed input to discussions. They have the standard leftie cries of racism, bigots, unAustralian, Its a religion of peace, not ALL Muslims are bad on their list of “ways to shut down the islam in Australia debate”. I might have missed a few because, to be honest, every time I see a paragraph with these words in it, all my mind sees on the page is blah, blah, blah blaaahhhhh Then you have the steadily growing camp of enlightened and still awakening Aussies. Those of us who have done extensive, if not years of research into this fanatical religion, learned about the way most Muslims (yes, even the peaceful ones) REALLY think and feel about life, death and the universe. Those of us who truly understand the weight of Islam on these people (take the well known guilt trip bestowed on catholics, and multiply it by 1000). Those of us who have run out of patience, and there are many more each and every day now. The numbers are building almost exponentially Id say. And its about bloody time! I see that soon, very soon, Australians will be taking back Australia! Islam is a total societal structure for muslims – legal, judicial, social, military, religious, financial - , so they have absolutely no need for, or to fit in with, any other society. Muslims unfortunately, do NOT want to truly embrace Australianisms because of this. They want to set up their own communities, taking over whole suburbs and making anyone not Muslim feel unwelcome, and uncomfortable. They DONT want to be Aussie or celebrate life the Australian way because THEY want to keep to themselves. THEY want US to pay for halal certification on Australian products, to suit THEM. They demand we let them build their places of worship wherever THEY want, inconveniencing EVERY other Australian - the Greek Aussies, the Italian Aussies, the German Aussies, the Fijian Aussies, the Maori Aussies, the Swedish Aussies ..... Seeing the difference people? Seeing the problem? Are ya getting that its NOT racism? Are ya getting that its about ONE particular group of people of a particular religious persuasion who are starting to .... ummm .... PISS US OFF with their demands and complaints? Are ya getting that we have sat back quietly for years, watching them slowly enacting changes THEY want, to change our country to suit THEIR BELIEFS AND WANTS? Are ya noticing now that they’ve been so stealthy, it’s only just become clear how much ground they’ve taken? Are ya getting that you are seeing and hearing MORE about this issue in the past 3 months than ever before? Most importantly........ Are ya getting WHY we are having so much of this type of discussion? Because we have a weak government who value short term votes to increase their power and fame, rather than the long term absolute good of this great country! NEVER in our history should anyone not of at least second generation Australian have been allowed a position in politics, government, or any area or industry that could possibly NOT be in the best interests of our National Security. Other countries have similar laws, and people move there accepting it, so we should too! This is OUR country after all. For those of you who are getting what’s going on under your noses, good on you for seeing reason and realising that standing up for YOUR RIGHTS to say I DONT LIKE THIS does NOT make you racist. It does NOT make you a bigot. What it DOES make you is PATRIOTIC and proud Australian. Not a redneck patriot, but a citizen of a wonderful country that YOU like JUST THE WAY IT IS! A citizen who is prepared to stand up and let YOUR voice be heard. Remember, YOUR voice speaks for YOUR children, your grand children, and so on! For those of you who are not getting any of this, Qantas can be reached on 131313. If you dont like it, you know what to do. Have a happy day! Oh! Thats right! Youre in Australia, so of course you will! (PLEASE PASS ME ON BECAUSE I REALLY WANT TO BE SHARED AND TO REACH AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE)
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:59:46 +0000

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