In the seventeenth century the greatest scientist in history, - TopicsExpress


In the seventeenth century the greatest scientist in history, Isaak newton, was born. As Newton tried to figure out how the universe works, he realized that he did not have the mathematics necessary to determine how objects interact in space and time. So, he invented a new and much more powerful mathematics called calculus. For the first time in history it became possible for scientists to calculate the instantaneous rates of velocity and acceleration. Scientists could now precisely define the movements and interactions of the physical universe. With his new powerful mathematics Newton went on to discover the universal laws of motion and gravity. This was and still is the greatest scientific achievement of all time. It completely changed how we humans perceive the universe. Even to this day scientists still use Newtons laws to send rockets to the moon and beyond. Newton was also an accomplished philosopher. After scientifically analyzing the universe, he came to the realization that the physical universe cannot just simply exist without explanation. Something cannot come from nothing. There has to be an unseen Higher Power. There is no other explanation than God. The greatest scientists who ever lived believed in God. Newtons breakthroughs in mathematics and physics started a revolution in science. There was an explosion in scientific discovery that has led to our modern material world and sciences dominance of modern life. But there is a big problem. The modern scientific method is limited to detecting the physical world that we humans can sense and measure. It is not capable of detecting beyond physical reality, so modern scientists think physical reality is all that does exist. Science is about objective proof, so scientists need to scientifically show that the universe exists by itself without the need for God. In order to prove the physical universe is all that does exist, scientists try to define the universe as a self-contained closed system. Since Newton, later scientists have gotten very creative in trying to eliminate God. Scientists say the Big Bang is the most likely theory of how the universe exists. Big Bang scientists claim the universe began as a singularity where the entire universe was compressed into an infinitesimally small particle. Scientists have also posited other competing theories of the universe. The theory of superstrings is an enormously complicated attempt suggesting that everything in the universe - including all particles, forces, and space-time - consist of infinitesimally small strings under immense tension, vibrating and spinning in at least ten-dimensional super space. Particle physicists are currently working on what they call their standard model, which they hope will eventually explain all particles and forces in a unified self-contained system. Scientists at CERN are using the Large Hadron Collider in an attempt to verify the existence of the mysterious Higgs Boson particle. The Higgs particle is supposedly one of the last pieces of the puzzle connecting twelve so-called fundamental building block particles into an arrangement defining an absolute foundation to the universe. Other scientists believe the physical universe comes from black holes. Scientists have invented all kinds of theories to prop up these unproven supposedly self-contained closed systems. Just a few: singularity, inflation, cosmological constant, negative gravity, negative energy, and the vacuum. All are an attempt to define the universe as a perfectly balanced self-existing physical universe. Of course these are just theoretical speculations. None of these theoretical inventions have ever been verified. Scientists cannot prove that the universe exists by itself in space and time. Where would a self-contained system come from in the first place? Where would the Big Bang singularity come from? Where would superstrings come from? What is the Higgs Boson made of? Where do black holes come from? Scientists dont even know what matter is, let alone whether or not God had or has anything to do with it. No matter how hard scientists try, There is always still the question: why is there something rather than nothing? The greatest scientist who ever lived knew that the only answer to the existence of the physical universe is a Higher Power. God is not part of the physical world. We will have to wait until we die before we can understand how God exists.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 01:48:45 +0000

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