Ive been really down on muslims as a group latley because the isis - TopicsExpress


Ive been really down on muslims as a group latley because the isis stuff.. just got off a plane and chatted with this guy named muhoamed from Oman.. really nice guy.. i asked him what he thought of isis.. he said its ok.. i was shocked.. he said we can take cold weather.. ice is ok for us he didnt even know what isis was.. i think i have been lumping all them together.. which is more convient.. but not right.. time for me to change course and ask God to pour out conviction on all people even and especially the terrorists.. only Jesus can transform this broken place called earth.. we can blow them all to oblivion but the demon behind them remains..we need the Blood of Jesus like never before... This is what one well-known preacher said a couple of days ago. It was an eye-opener to him. We all have many opinions, but are they the right and true ones? Bible warns us with a reason not to judge any man......unless we have allowed God to remove the log which hinders sight from our own eye......and then we shall see clearly to help remove the speck from our brothers eye. Does the brother mean only brother in Christ, or all the brothers in the world, including women and children (for in the time Jesus was on the earth, and also later on at the days of the apostles, the women and children were usually not included in the count, they were the extra.... I guess it does. Did Jesus leave anyone out when He died for the world? He didnt. So, they are our potential brothers in the Lord.....for whom the very same price for the redemption of their souls has been paid. We all have the same equal value. (Some may want to disagree here, but in the eyes of Jesus, we do, He paid the same price of His blood for all of us, every man, and woman, young and old). And He did not call us to bring that message into all the world by shoving His gospel down anyones throat.....but by demonstrating it, through signs and wonders, and through our love walk, by reflecting Him. (Now again, some may have different conceptions of love, but let us side here with the take of Jesus, who left us the Love chapter from 1st Corinthians 13). So what is our message? And how to convey it? John 3:16-17 ►New International Version For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Paul stated that what he was, he was through the grace of God. 1. Corinthians 15:10. So, what we have, we have not because of our own goodness or righteousness, but by the kind and gracious nature of Jesus, who gave us all. We are saved thanks to Him. Does it make any of us any better than our unsaved neighbour? What does Jesus think about it? He laid His life down for ALL, and died for ALL, to save ALL men (and women and children). So, what makes us sometimes perceive as if we were the elect, in the sense of any better than the others who do not know Him? What do we have what we have not received from Him? And what have we been doing to win our neighbour (not force) to Him? Have we been doing anything at all? Praying? Demonstrating the life and love of God residing within us by His Holy Spirit..... And if we have not done anything, do we have any right before God and Jesus Christ to express any opinions which steal, kill and destroy the value of other humans for whom He has laid down His life just the same. Selah. (Or thinking pause). Maybe these Muslims are not all the underpants terrorists, after all? Does one bad apple (although some may say, relying on the natural effect) make the whole lot bad? What about the white western civilisation, are there any jerks, any killers, any radicals in our midst? Is it just a Muslim thing, or maybe.....a human one? Coming down to the Palestinians featured in that video clip, there are opinions. But are they true and right, and are they agreeing with the mind and heart and Word of Christ? Did He die for them? (My Powhatan nation chief friend may disagree here, his take is that they have the DNA of the Philistines and they cannot come to salvation, for they have the Nephilim spirit within them. - Well, does it agree with the Word of Jesus? If it doesnt, then should we even consider such idea? Can such idea originate from God? Surely it does not come from the God who sent Jesus to redeem for the price of His own life ALL mankind back to Himself) We should be careful in the expression of our opinion, and even more careful when taking action based on them. If we receive and believe a lie, and act out based on them, we are no better than the radicals, albeit killing in the natural sense....in the time of Jesus when we have received the power and mind and wisdom of God by Holy Spirit, our heart and the thoughts and intents within matter.... We can ask just the same....is every white person with an accent whom we meet on the English soil an Eastern European? Chip off the same block....isnt it..... Is every Eastern European coming to live out of benefits/and/or take the British jobs and invade the country? Or worse, be a criminal? Is every Bolgarian and/or Romanian a gypsy? Are all the gypsies criminals? What about the healing evangelist Gypsy William Lee who was my School of Evangelism mate and brought many souls to salvation and died a few days ago.... Generalisation can be a powerful enemy to our mind. I used to grew up in a land which was illegally occupied. We had no love for Russians. It did not matter that they were the second or third generation ones. We saw them as the seed of the occupants, out to get us. I was born with a surname which I hated therefore. I did not learn any Russian language at school on purpose. The worst insult anyone could come out with was....to tell another that he or she looked like Russian. True, we had suffered through the hands of their fellow-Russians. But did it make all the Russians bad? No. Later on when a Lecturer at the Maritime Academy, I met many wonderful Russians. But it was a ghost which had been haunting our mind....and continued to do it a generation later..... My nation, the Estonians, they received the Gospel by the Crusaders who brought it with the sword. It happened centuries ago. Yet, the memory is still imprinted deep within the nation. And many do not want anything to do with it. Somehow.....generations later, they still tend to remember the mode of presentation of the Gospel brought to them by the Germans. We loved the Germans, who lived in our country for 700 years (we were practically as if German colony, so-to-say), but somehow we continue to remember that the Gospel came to us by the sword. Accept it, or we shall cut your head. And many heads fell. And many centuries later the blood spilled has still managed to keep the hearts hardened and closed. Although....its the good news! Presentation matters. Now, coming back to our Muslim brothers (and yes, they are our brothers too, in fact - they only have not come to the understanding and have their eyes opened to the truth of God in Jesus.....but the same applies to our Jewish brothers, who know about Him, about God, but rejected and have been continuing to reject Jesus.....and thus the spirit behind their actions is not necessarily always the Holy One - but the one working with the flesh, as they too are flesh and blood, and the same rules apply here, than to the rest of the humankind - also they need Jesus for salvation, no man can be saved otherwise than through the Way God Himself made). So....maybe next time when you see a Muslim brother or sister, you may want to reconsider, and hold back the first thoughts coming to your mind - whether they are all terrorists....and check your thinking, whether it may have to do with generalisation. My daughter worked three months in Sierra Leone with a fine Muslim counterpart. He was also now the contact person, and helped locate and retrieve her parcel and deliver it in person from the capital, Freetown, to the church in Makeni, in the centre of the land. When he was in trouble with his family, he turned to my daughter and asked her to pray. He was wise, and intelligent, and kind-hearted. And there are many more like him out there. Not everyone is a terrorist. And neither are the Palestinians the human shields or terrorists. It is mostly sadly created as a justification to justify the attacks made, quite in the same way we told in our childhood when reprimanded by our parents for any misdeeds we made that the others did the same! But our wrong deed was still wrong. Let us see then that the opinions we create would be true, and in agreement with Jesus. For we do not want to be the judges of anyone, by so doing we elevate ourselves above God and proclaim His wisdom and knowledge and verdict through Jesus as null and void.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 11:52:02 +0000

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