Journaling and Dreamwork Prepare us for Upcoming Energies We - TopicsExpress


Journaling and Dreamwork Prepare us for Upcoming Energies We are rapidly approaching a time of potent energies that include the fall equinox and the October eclipse series. Eclipse energies exert a powerful influence that we can begin to feel a month or more in advance. To make the most of these energies, it is helpful to begin an intensive introspective period in the weeks prior. You may find it helpful to begin journaling and writing down and interpreting your dreams which can offer important clues. Journaling is similar to dream work in that it helps you gain perspective and insight into your waking dream. Inner spaces newly cleared of old, stagnant emotions will welcome the dazzling array of new possibilities flooding your consciousness. From these visions, you can build the vision that will carry you into the transformative times ahead. These times allow you to take quantum leaps in the effort to forge a new identity empowered to create the realities aligned with your new dreams and visions. If you have set the groundwork of clearing old energies and building a new vision for the future, the energies of the lunar eclipse will provide the fuel to manifest these new visions. Accessing Portals of Enhanced Creativity and Manifestation Upcoming energies will open a portal to enhanced creativity and manifesting. To make the most of this time of profound change and manifestation, be willing to answer the call of your higher self. Be willing to ride waves of clearing into a new and more spiritually aligned, empowered and creative identity. This identity will call forth latent abilities and talents we have yet to recognize within our being. Dont be surprised if you find yourself drawn to explore new ideas and potentials. The Opening of Clairvoyance and Interdimensional Skills During this time, many will begin developing new spiritual skills such as clairvoyance and interdimensional travel. Some will awaken from dreams where they have been in otherworldly settings or downloading transcripts of advanced spiritual knowledge. These energies will bring awareness to any attachments or emotional props that have been used to maintain balance and a sense of security. This awareness will also reveal new levels of potentials that are accessible within our present moment. For more on timeline shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta For more information, visit
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 03:29:03 +0000

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