Let’s just see if I can do this thing… I’m on both a - TopicsExpress


Let’s just see if I can do this thing… I’m on both a personal healing + writer’s mission to link today’s astrology, Sun in Cancer and Full Moon in Capricorn, with the nasty symptomology of Mastitis, as well as a bit about breast health in general too. Not such fun stuff, but relevant now for mothers who feel strung between career (Capricorn) and mothering (Cancer), as well as whenever you’re wanting to glean the wisdom within aching ‘boo-boos’, as they’re lovingly referred around my house. If you’ve ever had the full blown fever that accompanies Mastitis or only the fleeting pain of a cracked nipple or clogged duct then you know that sensitive tatas make for a vulnerable mama. If however, you’ve dodged this nursing mama’s dilemma, but have experienced any body pain then you also understand that by experiencing intense sensations we’re helped to reorientate our focus from the head to the heart. We can’t help but stop plodding (Capricorn) and start feeling (Cancer). Basic of all basics first, let me remind you of an ultimate truth; it’s super crazy tough, like impossible, to nurture and nourish someone else, when we ourselves are lacking good ole’ self-love and care! When you try to fuel another from a dried up tank, stress and resentment are undoubtedly going to surface, and its most likely an overtaxed mommy who is going to pay with Mastitis. The answer though does not only lie in more bubble baths but balancing what can feel like major polarities within our personas - the career woman and the mom wife. For me, unearthing the blocks to this balance has been an on-going deep dig into myself for sometime now. I love love love me a new nursling on the rack … I really enjoy it! I don’t necessarily dig all the messing milk spills on every once-clean shirt and the souring of my sheets. More laundry?!?! And that can be the least of our time-crunching concerns as a new mommy. On the flip side, a great excuse to hang in the buff and fresh sheets, more often, are a benefit of co-sleeping with my lill milk-dribbler. My fears about re-experiencing Mastitis were unconsciously weighing in pretty heavy throughout my pregnancy. The painful memories with my first son are not easily forgotten even if the overcoming gave me more to celebrate in our 2 years of nursing. The heart smiles far outweigh the pains, but still I’m signed up for more grace and ease this round. I guess sometimes it takes the body talkin’ to be put back in alignment with our intentions. Now just a word to the wise, had I better invited my worries to meet choice, I would have eaten less sugar during pregnancy. I passed that glucose test and seemed to pretend I was home-free. Silly, silly. At only a week old (and just as the sun moved into Cancer, where mothering issues are highlighted) Oddyn was diagnosed with Thrush. Meaning, I couldn’t wipe the white milk stain off his tongue and my breasts were sad too. The sugar turned yeast factor in my milk made for some sticky stuff, that’s no good for flow. Gratefully, that film already seems a thing of the past, perhaps thanks to a seven day candida cleanse that I took. The sore breasts symptom, however, just made another passing return as we headed into the Capricorn full moon. You can always count on cosmic timing to set ya straight. Us Capricorns are hard workers who want to get ahead in their careers. For all of us, the way we push forward is sometimes more in tune with our head than our heart. The breasts, snuggled up close to the heart, always prefer the other way around. The plot thickens for us mommies because the head maybe bound to worry that a baby isn’t a productive (Capricorn) move while the breasts thrive in the homing inward (Cancer) that reproduction requires. That having children can be a butt kicking decision that many career minded women struggle with long and hard, is not newsworthy. I know too that many moms feel guilty about slacking as mothers or on the job because they’re too strung out between the two. I wish for all of these women the kind of breakthrough that feels up for me with the Full Moon in Capricorn to the rescue! See, for a very long time now and confirmed right within my astrology chart, I’ve felt painfully pulled between career (Capricorn) and mothering (Cancer). I’m intensely passionate about both and not wanting to compromise within either realm. It’s my dance. See how that works, our greatest aches and challenges become our best motives in role-modeling that it can be done. For me it’s FINALLY coming together at SaneMama where I get to walk between worlds. Now, because I shared that vulnerable piece, please allow me to honk for my hooters. Check me out - sharing with you and transforming within me. This is all alone! In bed! On this auspicious moon day. My family of boys, with the newest at three weeks old, visible and kissable, wrapped tightly onto daddy’s chest at the park. This is the proud mama MOMENT that my boobies are asking for more. Happily bouncing boobs surely like me bridging the gap between my often polarized purposes. Right now, I feel like nothing has been comprised - not my work, not my kids, and not my self loving care (yep, words on paper make me whole). This is major. Saying it is so has my nips tingling with anticipation that I continue to be a conscious mama and a Sane Mama Mentor - without any of the anger, denial, and regret that breast illness feeds on. In Louise Hay’s awesome Heal Your Body A-Z book she says that the emotional component beyond the physical symptom of Thrush is anger over making the wrong decisions. Yeah, I’ll admit that I’ve been anxious in thinking that having another baby would hinder my ability to create connections with clients + make some money, honey. I homed up big time with baby number one and even let my fully booked bodywork practice go. Totally go. I can already see, taste, and feel though (with the help of astrology and numerology), that Roheland’s needs are so totally different than Oddyn’s and that my worries are so far unfounded. Furthermore, she says that Mastitis is related to a desire not to hear what is going on within our children. My first son did and does, always want more of me. He’s super sensitive and highly demanding, in a divinely ordained way, of course. I wouldn’t change that I gave up everything for him so that I could honest to goodness start fresh again for myself. It also makes sense that I’ve had challenges with listening to his constant desires when I was yet to give myself the soul-satisfying permission to do what I’ve desired for so long - to step up and serve as an intuitive advisor with a clear mission. So please add A+B+C to see that I’m available to work with you right now. Right now when it’s especially timely to clear any beliefs about needing to compromise children for career or vise-versa. Yes, you can be an awesome mom, successful entrepreneur, and juicy woman - all at once! I offer programs that will help you make changes that matter within one arena and instantly transfer to all others. Your Free Claim You’re Sane Session will illuminate where your fresh start button is. Whether I get to hear from you in person or we connect over the ethers, join me in using the energy of this next two weeks to clear out the LAST of anything that has us believing that we can’t be gainfully employed by our highest selves (Capricorn)) and serving our littles as conscious mamas (Cancer) who are STILL able to nurture ourselves FIRST (for the BREAST and BEST HEALTH ever)! My tatas are still a little touch and go - but I expect that with you as my witness theyll be all healed up and thriving soon! Coconut oil, grape seed extract, and sunshine are doing me right.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 03:04:24 +0000

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