Mama question - Im a first time mom to a 5 week old. My daughter - TopicsExpress


Mama question - Im a first time mom to a 5 week old. My daughter is breastfed and just praying that it gets easier. For a couple weeks she was feeding every hour and sometimes sooner. I felt that sometimes she was comfort feeding. She is a gassy baby so I tried gripe water and mylicon drops and they seemed to help at times. She still seemed frustrated and uncomfortable at times so I took her to the Dr. and he prescribed Zantac for silent reflux. Im not totally convinced she has it but am trying the med(drools, doesnt spit up, acts agitated at breast).I started it three days ago and for the first time she slept in her swing for three hours in the morning and seemed a little happier. She did the same think yesterday but night time was a whole other story. The last two night she has been stuck to my boobs and hard to get to sleep. Today she has breastfed 24/7 and Im not exaggerating and she doesnt want to be out down. She was finally eating every 2-3 hrs and know back to 1/2-1 hr feedings. She stays on my breast for a good hour each. Could this be a growth spurt? Can someone please tell me my baby is not the only one? She cries like she is hungry but she will pull away from breast and bob her head around but eating is the only thing that calms her. I also cosleep with her and shes always nursed to sleep. I feel like Im doing everything wrong and creating bad habits. I dont even know where to start with transitioning her to a bassinet. HELP Kristen
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 22:00:33 +0000

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