PATRIOTS UNITE! BLAST CONGRESS WITH YOUR IMPEACHMENT MESSAGE: Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Join our fight to impeach Obama. Its a long hard battle but we wont give up until hes out, his powerbase destroyed. Are you with us? Have you had enough of the lies, corruption, cover-ups and massive abuses of power? Show you mean it by supporting the movement to IMPEACH OBAMA before he takes down America completely. FREE AMERICA, FIRE THE PRESIDENT! Our lawmakers do nothing but sit by idly as President Obama destroys the country we love. Hes gone too far—allowing millions of illegals to get free health care and an education on our backs while they siphon our welfare systems. At every turn he violates laws, including giving the green light to a mass unlawful gun doing nothing during the cold-blooded murder of Americans in Benghazi...allowing the IRS to target conservatives...and even spying on Americans! And thats just for starters. Martial Law is drawing dangerously close so you need to act quickly. Send your PINK SLIP today and warn Congress: IMPEACH OBAMA NOW OR START LOOKING FOR ANOTHER JOB! Im in the office now and will be looking for your Fax Blast or Pink Slip. Steve Eichler CEO Tea Party P.S. - Obama is accelerating his second term plans to implement Martial Law and deliver US sovereignty into the hands of foreign nations. As hes advancing his agenda Congress sits idle, doing nothing, letting him abuse his executive powers, defy the Constitution and oppress the citizens of our country. Support the Tea Party with a donation so we can escalate our efforts to get him out! We need you. Please dont let us down. P.S.S. - Shocking! So far Obama has gotten away with murder, spying, treason and law-breaking to name a few of his egregious violations. It will only end when we hit lawmakers with this biggest groundswell of support to IMPEACH OBAMA! Sign the petition here.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 22:01:28 +0000

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