Patriots: SHARE IF YOU AGREE Right now… in this election - TopicsExpress


Patriots: SHARE IF YOU AGREE Right now… in this election cycle….No election of a Conservative President (who ever it is).. is going to resolve the decayed underpinnings of the Constitutional Republic our country once was. We are in being destroyed from within. There needs a whole lot more work cleaning up the Republic…..before a President can do any meaningful work to restore the country. The current Bureaucracy is loaded with leftist Progressives and Socialists that have been planted in there for years and years and unless and until we remove all of them through a Radical Bloodless/bloody Revolt.. all we will have is a decayed Republic with a cadre of moles working to destroy us from within. We cannot spend the next 30 years fighting against people who pretent to love the America we love. They have diametrically opposite views of what America should be. WE CANNOT CO-EXIST WITH IDEOLOGIES THAT ARE POLAR OPPOSITES TO OURS AND WANT TO DESTROY US. IT JUST DOES NOT WORK! Electing a different President whose hands are tied by Federal Judges and by Legislatures that are loaded with enemies of the Constitutional Republic is a waste of time and energy until we have completed the catharsis first. Thats a fact !! WE MUST.. DO THE 3 R’S REVOLT REMOVE RESTORE Then Vote for a President. Till then we need a Provisional Government with a Commander in Chief to maintain LAW and Order. A “National Sheriff”. I propose someone like General Mattis who has no Political or Financial Greed He could be our George Washington. SHARE IF YOU AGREE Click on this link to go to a page to ask the General to leads us! https://facebook/groups/675144849170970/
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 23:41:46 +0000

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