Prashants class at RIMYI shared by Janet MacLeod September 22, - TopicsExpress


Prashants class at RIMYI shared by Janet MacLeod September 22, 2014 7:00-9:00 am - Bharadvajasana - Rope Sirsasana - cycled through a variety of back bends- - chair - on chair with legs in Padmasana - Upright Back Arch - Ustrasana - Urdhva Danurasana - Brick Setu Bandha - Chair Bharadvajasana - Bharadvajasana - Janu Sirsasana - Pashimottanasana - Chair Sarvangasana - Swastikasana Talked about mudras and in particular two aspects - gesture and lock. Gesture - he used the example of how one might sit on a chair. In one case a young couple sitting waiting to meet their future in laws - they would be sitting in a very proper manner appropriate to the occasion . Compare this to someone who comes home exhausted and collapses on the chair. In both instances the chair is supporting them but the gestures are very different. In yoga we need to find to find the right gesture for the asana we are doing. Locks - in some areas of the body locks are positive - elbows, knees, etc to create the steadiness; in brain and facial area the use of locks would be negative; as much as possible we try to keep these areas passive. When you teach a class you should not teach to please your students. Students should not perform asanas to please the teacher. This not the way of yoga; the giving and receiving of information should take place without this form of attachment; should be done to invite the celestial forces. In any one of Prashants classes there is much esoteric philosophy; it is a combination of asana and philosophy. It is difficult to take some part out of the extensive dialogue; I include a couple of items to give you a sense of how he teaches to students who do not know him and may be of interest to those who do. Namaste
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:18:00 +0000

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