SPECIAL FOR ALL WOMEN IN THE WORLD! youtube/watch?v=XXA5aX9l6uk You are gift to me, A living inspiration for all of humanity. You are a mother, You are a daughter, You are a sister, You are a wife, Whoever you are, You will certainly give life. You were the first one to listen to my maiden cry. You were the one who raised me without questioning why. You are the shoulder for me to cry on, you were the one who corrected me when I went wrong. You are a gift to me from the start, how can I not love with all my heart? The prophet said “Ashabi kan nujum”, my companions are like stars. choose whoever star you want to be and never be doomed! Be LIKE KHADIJAH, AISYAH, HAFSAH, SAFIYYAH, the best women with the best names, who astounded the world with their fiery flames. Who says that you are weaklings? You are no different from us. You are mujahids, You are martyrs embodied in feministic beings. You are not created to make hijab tutorials, You are created to become ROLE MODELS!! You don’t deserve to bear a child of an infertile man, you do not deserve to be taken away by low-life gentlemen. Your love is too sacred only those who are qualified are able to make it. No poetry in the world can define my feelings when I see you dress up properly, No word can define how I feel when I see your shyness in preservation but firm courageousnees in determination, you are a blessing in disguise, you are valuable creations, Priceless Manifestations. And You Should No That…. Now. I beg you. You will never give up, You will never just quit. You will never give in. You will never submit. You are a gift to me, A gift to us all of humanity. The future of ISLAM is in your hands, and it begins from where you stand. KNOW YOUR HEROES!!!!... Enjoy the poem!!! FOR YOU WOMEN!!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 06:36:08 +0000

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