So I had an important work interview lined up yesterday afternoon - TopicsExpress


So I had an important work interview lined up yesterday afternoon at Double Trouble, and I decided to ride my bike down there from the Heights. Lower Westheimer was a mess -- a lane was intermittently blocked off, people were driving crazy, etc, so I hopped up on the sidewalk, which was also a disaster. Right before Bagby a main had broken and water was gushing out of a parking lot and across the sidewalk, taking with it a river of mud. Since riding through it looked risky I dismounted and saw that I could get over the mud in one step. I might get a little dirt on one of my feet, but that was the worst that could happen. Or so I thought. When I took that single step on what I believed was muddy sidewalk, my right leg sunk in solid mud up to my knee, causing me to tumble over sideways and pull by bike down on top of me, much to the amusement of a young lady with neck tats approaching from the other direction. I struggled to my feet and saw that my flip-flop had been sucked off my foot and was about six inches deep in the mire. My pants were filthy up to the knee. Both my feet were encased in slimy, stinky mud. Luckily I had time to clean up (thanks Thomas Escalante) and buy a new pair of shorts (thanks Sears). As for the City of Houston, maybe you could have coned off that little section of sidewalk.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 14:57:40 +0000

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