So, before my computer rudely interrupted me, I was saying that Im - TopicsExpress


So, before my computer rudely interrupted me, I was saying that Im trying to educate myself on racism that currently exists in this country. Ive been persuaded. Maybe communication can help to bridge gaps. But it has to be done with consideration to the feelings of Blacks and Whites.. We should try to dispense with political correctness enough to just say whats troubling us, but, we should dispense with sarcasm and try not to offend, while trying not to take offense. Ive been learning about words like Anti-Semitism and Aryan, and White Supremacy, and White Privilege. Ive watched feeds and public access and read articles and news and visited pages.... I just didnt know racism was still such a problem. But I dont think that White Privilege is a good conversation starter. Poverty is Poverty. Suffering is suffering. Who can know where a person started in life and how hard theyve worked to be where they are? Some whites feel like racism isnt that prevalent, and that its no longer necessary for there to be programs to promote minorities- (for there to truly be equality). A deeper look will show that we arent there yet. But everybody wants their child to have the same opportunities for schools and employment, etc.. So.. eventually?? Its a step to think about.. I think there will always be people with prejudices. We should try to educate ourselves, our children and others against prejudices. But I see a lot of hate. Generations of hate. I dont want mine or anybodys children to inherit another generation of hate. Jesus says that murder begins in with the heart. Our actions will come from love or hate that lives in our hearts. I always go back to God who saved Noah, and his 3 sons, and we all are descendants of Noah. God is no respecter of persons? What business does any Christian have promoting any bias based on skin, or class? God makes no distinction. Christians are to live peaceably with everyone as much as is in us. Peace must be too boring for some.. News. I dont usually follow the news. Think theres too much misinformation and its depressing. Young Black Men and Young White men have died recently. I do not value the life of one man more highly than another. But I feel as though some African Americans place a higher value on brown skin, just as some whites place a higher value on white. This is not how God looks at us. Shouldnt we all be trying to see people the way Jesus sees us?
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:34:54 +0000

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