So, some asshole put up a meme about how Republicans are just - TopicsExpress


So, some asshole put up a meme about how Republicans are just toddlers who say NO and never offer any alternatives. My response was: I know that I am asking what for liberals is impossible but before you post this bullshit ~~ which I think you knew was bullshit ~~ read. (ANYTHING.) Every major Republican politician has a book, a pamphlet, articles, and web pages outlining their proposals for how to fix the budget, how to handle foreign policy, energy independence, etc. The problem is that none of their plans include giving out more free shit, printing more fake money, and dear lord in heaven... They want us all to have jobs! How racistbigothomophobe of them! I dare you to read any of the following: BELIEVE IN AMERICA by Romney. CONTRACT WITH AMERICA by Gingrich. BASIC ECONOMICS by Thomas Sowell. LIBERTY AND TYRANNY by Mark Levin. IT TAKES A FAMILY by Rick Santorum. SPEAKING MY MIND by Ronald Reagan. COMMON SENSE by Glenn Beck. I say I dare you knowing full well your mind and your sphincter both just slammed shut. The Republicans have several plans out there but you low info lefties dont even try to give any of it a cursory glance because your foodstamp messiah has told you he will redistribute the evil rich peoples money to you and that is all you want to hear. What you fail to realize is that under his plan everyone loses. Rich people are now anyone with a job. Not that he is too worried about creating jobs either. hat reading list answers the false allegation that Republicans and Conservatives never offer alternatives. It is a total bullshit lie and they know it is a total bullshit lie. EVERY Major conservative candidate has offered alternatives. The problem is that those alternatives dont make the appeal to the conspiracy trufers or to the welfare rats. They appeal to people they assume have a generally logical mind. The fact is that our statist lefty masters have caused the dialog and dialectic to become nothing more than 10 second soundbites parrotted by the intellectually lazy and those who will sell their principles for 30 pieces of silver.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 02:42:35 +0000

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