THE EPISTLE of St. Luke’s Episcopal Mission We gather to - TopicsExpress


THE EPISTLE of St. Luke’s Episcopal Mission We gather to Worship SUNDAY – 9:30AM and 10:30AM The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost July 13, 2014 THE PARABLE OF THE SEED What kind of soil are you?? How do you respond to the seed that is cast into your life? In an old Guidepost magazine clipping I found this story of a retired pastor who was an avid duck hunter as a young man. Every Fall when the first cold front moved in from the north, he would take out his duck decoys, clean them up and put new anchors on them. When duck season opened, he was ready. He and his dad usually hunted mallards. Now, mallards are puddle ducks. They paddle around in shallow water and feed on the marsh grasses growing there. They eat only what they can reach from the surface. Occasionally, though, he and his dad would see a redhead or canvasback slipping into their decoys. These are diving ducks. They dive to great depths to feed on plants growing on the bottom of the lake. Now, in some ways, the writer says, Christians are like those ducks. Some are puddle ducks, satisfied with the nourishment they find in the shallows of the Christian life. Others are divers. They plunge deeply into the Word through study, reflection, and participation in the life and ministry of their church. The word yields a rich return in their lives. But the one who received the seed that fell of good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. ********************************************************** SIGN-UP SHEET FOR LAWN CARE - we need people who can take a turn cutting the lawn for the remainder of the summer. We now have a mower which will be available on site, A week-by-week sign-up sheet is on the counter. ********************************************* SUMMER MOVIE NIGHT St. Lukes is planning for a monthly Movie Night on a Friday throughout the Summer. These will be movies complete with popcorn, maybe hot dogs. A separate childrens movie will be shown in another room for the younguns. The tentative schedule follows: July 25th - Son of God, one of stars is Roma Downey, who played Monica in the very successful CBS series Touched by an Angel. August 22nd - tba September 19th - tba If you have suggestions, or would like to help in anyway please call Barbara Henley, 232-1212. ************************************************* GARDENERS WANTED The Vestry is seeking gardeners from the congregation to fix up and maintain the several garden beds around the church. The thinking is that one or more persons would take each of the beds - four teams of one or more for each garden bed. We have four: 1. the two beds on either side of the highway entry into the parking area. 2. under the sign 3. the front of the church between the sidewalk and porch 4. the area in front of the steps into the main entry. Please call our Junior Warden, David Henley (232-1212), to volunteer, or for further information ************************************************************** FACEBOOK – if you subscribe to Facebook, you are invited to become a “Friend” on St. Luke’s page. https://facebook/pages/St-Lukes-Episcopal-Church-Currituck-County-NC/279226112093952 ***************************************************** I can do all things through Christ which strentheneth me. (Phil. 4:13) *********************************************************** FAMILY REUNION - Bev and Fr. Jim have been at the OBX since Sunday with the gathering of the McGee clan for their annual family reunion. Thursday morning Fr. Jim baptized his six year old great-granddaughter, Savannah, in the Albemarle Sound. ********************************************************************* CHRISTIAN SUMMER CONCERT SERIES It’s an ecumenical endeavor. All musicians volunteer their time and talent, our audience give of their treasure and our love offerings are then donated to Interfaith Community Outreach and the Beach Food Pantry.” Now held at the Good Life Eatery MP 4.5 on the bypass in Kitty Hawk, this free family friendly event makes for a great night out. Food and beverages are available. Kim starts the program w/music from her CDs at 7pm. “We have some terrificly talented musicians joining us this year – it’s a fun time and a great place to enjoy Christian music outside of the walls of church.” The 2014 Performance Schedule: July 14 ReUnion July 21 Betty Moore William, and Pastors Becky & Steve Smith July 28 Nancy Whitfield, and Lighthouse Christian Fellowship August 4 Gospel Glory August 11 Bob Furr August 18 Sondra Meinhardt August 25 MP13 Band Sept 1 Tim Roy ************************************************************************************ HEIFER PROJECT – just realized that we have not reported on the results of the Lenten mite box collections. There were ten boxes returned and the total collection was $170.00. This will go to Heifer International for their good work helping poor people in third world countries learn to support themselves by the use of agri-business. Learn more about their work at their web site: ************************************************************************** THE HOLY EUCHARIST ************************************************************************ TODAY’S LAY MINISTERS 9:30AM EUCHARISTIC MINISTER Emilie Walker ALTER GUILD: Gerry Forbes LECTOR - LESSONS: Barbara Henley LECTOR - PRAYERS: Gerry Forbes USHER/GREETER: Sam Walker 10:30AM OBLATIONS: The Ryans EUCHARISTIC MINISTER Bev McGee ALTER GUILD: Gerry Forbes LECTOR - LESSONS: Kristy Ryan LECTOR - PRAYERS: Joseph Ryan USHER/GREETER: Russ Beaty ACOLYTES: Sydney MacDonald REFRESHMENTS Gerry Forbes COUNTERS: Ryan/Beaty ************************************************************************* HYMNS Processional Hymn # 376 - followed by: youtube/watch?v=tP1kYuOLYqg Surely the Presence – words found inside cover of Hymnal Sequence Hymn - Thy Word youtube/watch?v=abfXZS88yHo - a sing-a-long Communion Hymn # 686 cantusmundi.blogspot/2010/05/come-thou-fount-of-every-blessing.html Recessional Hymn #296 cantusmundi.blogspot/2011/05/we-know-that-christ-is-raised-and-dies.html ************************************************************************************* PRAYERS PRAY FOR CHRIST’S HEALING GRACE FOR: Tom Chenoweth, Greg Lewis, Jackie Clements, Benjamin Fey, Robert Fey, Gary Ryan, Jerry, Mike and Ginger, Albert Sir, Dave Short, Dewey Bennett, Chuck Ladell, Romel Siervo, Ken Herns, Willie Williams, Steve Cruther, Bill Manning, Terry Miles, Cindy Wackerly, Darrell Haymore, William White, Leisa Glisson, Meridith Edman, Constance Richardson, Alan Hall, Vicki Stearns, Tim Plank, Joselyn Frey, Nathaniel Woodward, Billy Byrne, Ed Ish, Clay Quinn, Ashley Delaney, Karen Paulene and David. CYCLE OF PRAYER: In the ANGLICAN COMMUNION, we pray for the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea and the Diocese of Dogura. In the DIOCESE OF EAST CAROLINA, we pray for Christ Church in New Bern. ********************************************************** LESSONS Zechariah 9:9-12 Psalm 145: 8 - 15 Romans 7:15-25a Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 MY BOUNDEN DUTY is to follow Christ, To worship every Sun day in His Church; And to work and pray and give for the Spread of His Kingdom The Book of Common Prayer In Christs love, Jim
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 20:31:23 +0000

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