This is a video that is made by a political party. First off, I - TopicsExpress


This is a video that is made by a political party. First off, I support no standing political party! In my opinion, political parties, and allowing their existence, is the very reason we find ourselves in this current national crisis. Furthermore, I do not support all of their views, being a narrow-minded moron that jumps on the first thing that goes by is OVER! Let me ask, I was championing a current national leader named Trey Gowdy. Has anyone been arrested in the Benghazi affair? Has he made any moves to submit legislation to remove or abolish the Federal Reserve? International Council on Foreign Affairs? Or the IRS considering their criminal acts upon the nation? or the BIGGEST cry of the American people today, prove Obama is legally allowed to even run this country in the first place, by demanding DNA be submitted by our current national figurehead, when LE have proven that federal law has been committed by the submission of fake documents as fakes, when they are not? Yes it is a Federal crime to present fake documentation on a federal site. Going beyond what or who presents this video, I would rather like to have your attention on the speech of JFK and his near-erie description of EXACTLY what we are witnessing today on the national level. It is as if he read the plans of the elite, found it to be wrong, and developed this speech as a warning for the coming generations their intent. It simply is spooky!! Either this man is an Edgar Cayce of the 60s or he had inside information of the plans to take out America and exposed it. In my personal opinion, any government-seated official who is not speaking up and demanding DNA be submitted, with the results processed in front of a live feed camera, for the entire nation to witness, or they should be properly titled as traitors to this nation if something should become of it, placed in prison (along with family members that were aware of it, property seized, and a paper ballot election held for new government (void of political parties) and affidavits signed by all candidates prior to running, if found to commit subversive, self-gain, acts while in the charge of their duties, they forfeit all assets to the Nation, and pass law that the affidavit has no statutes of limitations. Disband the DHLS, new heads appointed by the new government to the Alphabet crews, the retrograde investigations of the previous 8 POTUS, forfeiture of all properties the family or descendants hold currently if found guilty as collaborators, replacement of every and all SCJ along with every local official who has ruled against those on tax evasion, for having discarding previous US Supreme Court rulings. All assets returned to living citizens. In short, its WAY PAST TIME for us to take this country back......PLEASE WAKE UP PEOPLE....listen to a President who was trying to warn us way back, just before he was silenced, exactly what will transpire. Exactly what we are witnessing before our very eyes. STOP BEING DISTRACTED ON THE ISSUES, focus on the problem. https://youtube/watch?v=A1xmyE7sRx8
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 12:57:49 +0000

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