This is long. Don’t feel like you’re required to read it. This - TopicsExpress


This is long. Don’t feel like you’re required to read it. This is mostly for my own personal purposes to help me clarify my thoughts. Forty years is creeping up on me like a stalking predator. In addition to the gray hair, my 30-something years has given me a pretty decent marriage and two pretty decent kids. It’s also given me a few health issues that doctors don’t seem to take seriously. Grave’s Disease? Let’s rip your thyroid out and give you a synthetic medication that only replaces one of the many hormones that your natural thyroid produced. You’ll feel GREAT. What a wonder of medical science! You have an autoimmune disease that causes your body to attack its own tissue, so the cure is to simply take the main target of that attack. Damn, I wish I had researched more before I fell for that. Hey Doc, I’ve been having these weird muscle aches. It actually hurts when my cat jumps in my lap sometimes. Here, take this pill, it’ll help with the inflammation. It also seems you may be developing fibromyalgia. It certainly doesnt have anything to do with you being hypothyroid. Hey Doc, I can hardly move my shoulder and my knees are killing me. Here, take this pill. Looks like you have the start of arthritis. It certainly doesnt have anything to do with you being hypothyroid. Hey Doc, Ive gained more weight even though I’m watching what I eat and forcing myself to move as much as this pained body can handle. Eat less. It certainly doesn’t have anything to do with you being hypothyroid. Hey Doc, Why does it feel like I’m having electricity shooting through my body sometimes and other times feeling like I have acid burning the muscles from my spine? Ah, looks like you have some neuropathy. Here, take these 6 FREAKING PILLS A DAY. It certainly doesn’t have anything to do with you being hypothyroid. Hey Doc, I have trouble thinking sometimes and find it almost impossible to put together a rational sentence that others can understand. I also cry a lot when I think of all the changes my body has gone through in just a few years. Hmmm, I think you’re suffering from depression. Here, take this pill. It certainly doesn’t have anything to do with you being hypothyroid. I’m exhausted most of the day and have trouble sleeping at night. My lady cycle is freaking crazy; it’s never normal and painless. I’ve developed food sensitivities to things I’ve eaten all my life. My skin is dry and I break out all the time. My kid’s newest form of entertainment is watching me forget what I’m doing or try to find a common word during conversation. It certainly doesn’t have anything to do with you being hypothyroid. IF it doesn’t have anything to do with me being hypothyroid, WHY are there THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of other people dealing with the same things and the only common denominator between us is no freaking thyroid?!?!?!?! No…I’m not freaking LAZY. No, I’m not freaking CRAZY (ok…well maybe a little) No, I’m not a freaking HYPOCHONDRIAC. What I am is sick to freaking death of not being taken seriously and just having more and more pills thrown at me. And this is why I have (after extensive research and deep thought) decided to make a major, major change in my life. I will be taking my health into my own hands. I will be taking my mental well being into my own hands. This isn’t something that will happen overnight. I’m tired of feeling like I’m just waiting to die. I’ll explain more in a couple of days…
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 18:47:24 +0000

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