VG200WT - 200 kV Van deGraaf Generator, Assembled Description: - TopicsExpress


VG200WT - 200 kV Van deGraaf Generator, Assembled Description: Create your own lightning with these time-tested devices that have delighted students for decades! Named after the inventor Van de Graaf, a German physicist, this machine produces low-amperage static electricity that can be shocking but perfectly safe. Two different pulleys with 2 neoprene belts inside a 1.75 plastic column create and carry static charge up to the 7 polished aluminum collector globe. You can draw out this static charge in a burst of lightning, sparks, or you can even set each hair on your head on end! Its an incredible display! The entire unit is 18 tall and runs on 110VAC and includes a ground clip for discharge wands. Our comprehensive instruction book tells you how to raise hair, produce lightning and electric wind, experiment with St. Elmos fire or electrostatic attraction and repulsion. For a stunning display use the matching discharge wand with your VG200 and watch the sparks fly between the two globes! If youre looking for a really neat experience and want to learn the basics at the same time, the Van deGraaf generator kit is for you. If you cant wait to build it and just want to have a ball with the sparks, we even offer it factory assembled and tested! Your choice! If 200 kV isnt enough zap for you, check out our VG400 - 400 kV Van deGraaf Generator! (So we got these in, our techs set one up, and they called me to make my hair stand up on end....wait, my hair fell out when I was 22!) You probably are doubtful on VG200WT - 200 kV Van deGraaf Generator, Assembled. Due to this you are researching to get more information concerning it. Absolutely, you now have found just the right site to get some more information associated with VG200WT - 200 kV Van deGraaf Generator, Assembled. You can also check the deals by clicking on the link presented in this website if they are very reasonable and budget friendly or not. And moreover often than not, many goods are quite often supplied by many venders which might be the case for this item as well. Therefore, you may potentially get an offer that completely fits your needs and money. I recommend you to keep going and do a further scan of VG200WT - 200 kV Van deGraaf Generator, Assembled. Check Latest Prices: Thanks to everyone came to visit our website for VG200WT - 200 kV Van deGraaf Generator, Assembled. We try to make our website. Help you find to VG200WT - 200 kV Van deGraaf Generator, Assembled more easily and hope that you will find product that you want. Thanks again.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:55:24 +0000

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