WHAT WOULD CONVINCE AN ATHEIST THAT GOD EXISTS? An evolutionist/atheist commented that the only way he would believe in God is if the stars arranged themselves in a special way and saidGod exists!.This comment was important because I have always pondered the question of what proofs should be sufficient to convince an atheist that God exists. The reason I have pondered this question is that throughout the history of atheism, dating back to Aristotle and Socrates, scientists have discovered so many unexpected mind-boggling things about nature yet refused to attribute them to Jehovah.For example, after Charles Darwin proposed evolution as a MYTH and not theory he predicted that if his theory be true there would intermediary links -- what they call MISSING LINK FOSSILS, between species. However, every single sample of fossil collected from the various strata of rocks have shown that ALL LIVING THINGS APPEARED AT ONCE, agreeing with Genesis.This is the interesting part: when they realized this, they changed the story and said, no, it seems jump-evolution is what happened.The first cell appeared and started jumping. Then again scientists preached that materialism was the only reality and that nothing physical could come from a nonphysical source.A few decades ago, however,they discovered that the universe was expanding.TROUBLE!Anything expanding has a beginning!The Bible was proved right again.The universe did come from a nonphysical source.This was proven by Albert Einsteins formula E=mc2, showing that energy, nonphysical reality, can be converted into a physical reality. The scientific community were shocked.Instead of bowing low to the Bible, they came up with another story that the universe inflated after a second of being created.My friends, the question is, WHAT WAS THERE BEFORE IT WAS CREATED?WHAT CAUSED IT?Not what happened after it was created. The way I see it, there can be no proof of Jehovahs existence to atheists because they have CHOSEN NOT to believe Jehovahs existence.If they really were disposed to believing, then the mere size and orderliness of the universe would convince them.So, now, for a person who does not want to believe there can be no proof, can there?In this case, there is only one thing left: Jesus told the unbelieving Pharisees, the only sign that will be given you is the sign of Jonah, which would be an indication that they had already been rejected as a nation.So, the only sign that will convince them (when it is already late for them to change their minds) is when the stars of the heavens start to fall to the earth and the moon grows dark and the sun refuse to give its light.Then, without a convincing myth to explain the phenomenon, they will be confused and every explanation they give will be a way of telling themselves that the the fools have said there is no God.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 18:03:59 +0000

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