You must know at least one of these people from the years 1955 to - TopicsExpress


You must know at least one of these people from the years 1955 to 1975 please get me their address for the Mega Reunion and send it to joanndugaRSCS@yahoo - time is running out - thanks JoAnn (Grabowski) Duga RSCS Class of 1969 1955 Miles Maureen Schryer 1962 Stoltz Carolyn 1963 Landers Madeline 1966 Borrman Harold 1966 Holloway Duane 1966 Szpyrka Peter 1966 Thomas James 1967 Ames Marion 1967 Clements Karen 1967 Domion Lahr Joan 1967 Duncan Kenneth 1967 Ludwig Eileen 1967 Washburn Deborah 1967 Yourno Barbara 1968 Ames Cynthia 1968 Armour Carlton 1968 Barringer Carolyn 1968 Brady Kathleen 1968 Gallo Philip 1968 Kehoe Jeanne 1968 Miller Margaret 1968 Ough Debra 1968 Von Dauber Fahey Daphne 1969 Marriott Rudy 1969 Miller Jack 1969 Miller Miller 1970 Brown Charles 1970 Rosario Calbimonte Macmillan 1970 Goodale Susan 1970 Hanford Dorothy 1970 Krause White Linda 1970 Lambert Barbara 1970 Stevens Virginia 1971 Barringer Mary Lou 1971 Decker Linda 1971 Dorr Robert 1971 Dowd William 1971 Gogol Robert 1971 Helfand Deborah 1971 Karker Jeff 1971 Sven Karlsson 1971 Krause Diann 1971 Maine Edward 1971 Manion John 1971 Maxson Susan Dodd 1971 Miller Rose Mary 1971 Palmer Carolyn 1971 Seamon Daniel 1971 Seamon Monty 1971 Seamon William 1971 Smith Juanita 1971 Smith Mark 1971 Soule Gary 1971 Sprague Deborah 1971 Stickles Charles 1971 Toner Rodney 1971 West George 1971 Wiltse Donna 1971 Wiltse Patsy 1972 Andela June 1972 Androski Donna 1972 Clements Arthur 1972 Coley Robert 1972 Coley Virginia 1972 Daly Catherine (Kate) 1972 Duncan Doreen 1972 Duncan Raymond 1972 Dunckel Wayne 1972 Eggleston Gerald 1972 Evangelow David 1972 Foster Donna 1972 Frazier Vicki 1972 Gachowski Gregory 1972 Gay David 1972 Grup Sharon Dutton 1972 Hart Michael 1972 Hawrylchak Steven 1972 Homiack Dawn 1972 Humphreys Wayne 1972 House A. J. 1972 Hutchins Peter 1972 Kajiwara Mariko 1972 Kelly Jacquelin (Jackie) 1972 Kessler Deborah 1972 Langel Catherine 1972 Loiacono Theodore 1972 Maine Thomas 1972 Marzeski William 1972 Miller Karen 1972 Myers Nancy 1972 Pestar Joseph 1972 Plucinik Laura 1972 Schanz Kathy 1972 Smith Linda 1972 Spoor Patricia 1972 Spytko Ronald 1972 Thomson Donna 1972 Toner Steven 1972 Van Court Jesse 1972 Weaver Cynthia 1972 Worden Nancy 1972 Yourno James 1973 Andrecheck Tyrone 1973 Barrett Harold 1973 Brereton Todd 1973 Briggs Sandra 1973 Bruce Valerie 1973 Clark John 1973 Clearey Patrick 1973 Conklin Larry 1973 Daly Barbara Homyk 1973 Damulis Rosina 1973 DeBaun Laura Stevens 1973 Decker Jr. James 1973 Decker Jo-ann 1973 Domion Jennifer 1973 Dorn Matthew 1973 Garski Carolyn 1973 Glasser Melanie 1973 Guardi Robert 1973 Hodge Lindsay 1973 Ingalls Karen 1973 Johnson Janet 1973 Key Joann 1973 Krause Patricia 1973 LaFrance Philip 1973 Martin William 1973 Nesbitt Mary 1973 Preston Gregory 1973 Robinson Douglas 1973 Rourke Terry 1973 Kurkowski Cynthia 1973 Seamon Linda 1973 Seamon Marty 1973 Smith Gareth 1973 Smith Robin 1973 Sprague Wendy Yohe 1973 Spytko Darlene 1973 Spytko David 1973 Suhocki Larry 1973 Swanteson John 1973 Szpyrka Steve 1973 VanAllen Gary 1973 VanderVoort Therese 1973 Wiltse Cynthia 1973 Wing Regan 1973 Wood Patti 1973 Worden Grace 1973 Yerdon Cynthia 1973 Zawko Jr. Peter 1974 Anderson, Frank 1974 Bohanic, Allan 1974 Brooker Riccie 1974 Casalere Vincent 1974 Damulis Mary 1974 Dunckel Denise 1974 Evangelow Madelyn 1974 Hazelton David 1974 Miller Paul 1974 Mower Marcia 1974 Nelson Debra 1974 Nesbitt Carol 1974 Patterson Robert 1974 Robinson Garrett 1974 Robinson Margo 1974 Smith, MIchelle 1974 Smith Penelope 1974 Sprague Jennifer 1974 Starr Keri 1974 Wells, Tom 1975 Andela Barbara 1975 Anderson Penny 1975 Androski Karen 1975 Birmingham Robin 1975 Brown Scott 1975 Brown Susan 1975 Bubencik Betty 1975 Casalere James 1975 Curry Gregory 1975 Damulis Martha 1975 DeBaun Eleanor 1975 Decker Susan 1975 Duquette Jill 1975 Durand Douglas 1975 Eckler Pamela 1975 Garski Carl 1975 Guardi Darlene 1975 Guardi Marie 1975 Guardi Theresa 1975 Hammond Grace 1975 Hodge Beth 1975 Hugick Sharon 1975 Ingle JoAnn 1975 Jennings Linda 1975 Karas Debra 1975 Kelly Karenlee 1975 Kinney Susan 1975 Lenhard Sharon 1975 Merritts Cynthia 1975 Moshier Jr. Ronald 1975 Mower III Leland 1975 Nicolosi David 1975 Patterson Anne 1975 Rutkowski Jr. Joseph 1975 Sarafin Sandra 1975 Schanz Elizabeth 1975 Schneider Nelly 1975 Smith David 1975 Smith Wendy 1975 Spytko Cynthia 1975 Steckler Patricia 1975 Stoughton K. Mark 1975 Thompson Kellene 1975 Van Allen Karen 1975 VanderVoort Edward 1975 Weiss Teresa 1975 West Charles (Charlie) 1975 West Teresa 1975 Wilson Kevin 1975 Wiltse Ann Marie 1975 Wood Terri 1975 Yaw Sue
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 20:26:41 +0000

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