guilty as charged. i forgot........ thanks Eric Butterworth Talk - TopicsExpress


guilty as charged. i forgot........ thanks Eric Butterworth Talk On The Positive Side A teacher once made the statement, "Talk on the side that you want to prevail." Talk on the side that you want to prevail. This statement voices a tremendous truth that we need to bring to ourselves, and magnify, that about which we think and speak. It has been said: "Men imagine that thought can be kept secret, but it cannot. It rapidly crystallizes into habit, and habit solidifies us into circumstances." Habit solidifies into circumstances. (Another great thought.) And a teacher, speaking of words, says: "Words have power. The whole course of one’s life may be determined by them. An indomitable idea translated into words may transform a weak, hesitating person into a strong purposeful individual, laying hold of his life and remaking it into a firmer, better mold." (Another great truth.) Many of us know the power of words, and yet we continue to talk about our troubles, about our lack, our illnesses and pains or inharmonies. Right now, there is a widespread tendency to talk about the ills of the world. It is true that important things are happening, things that we feel may vitally effect our lives and the lives of millions of other persons. But in considering these things, we certainly need not take the negative, fearful attitude that so many of us do. How many persons spend time criticizing mistakes of the leaders of other countries—including our own—and speculating as to what they will do in the future, what their real purpose is, and why things cannot be corrected faster! We deplore the uncertain situation, and so we should. But talking negatively will never shorten any difficult period of time. It will not lessen the hardships of the high cost of living, nor change anything for the better. You meet a neighbor or friend, you say: "What do you think of the price of food these days? Terrible, isn’t it? We just can’t afford this any longer." And from that, you may go from one negative statement to another. Too many of us are convinced that things are bad and that they will probably get worse. Some of us talk of increasing tensions in the world, of world depressions. We view the situation that affects us personally—and appears to affect the world—through dark colored glasses. We spend far too many of our waking hours bemoaning our unfavorable fate of bad times for ourselves, for our friends, for our neighbors, for mankind. Now, if talking negatively would improve things, then I would say, "Certainly, let’s go ahead and talk." But just talking never lowers prices, never corrects mistakes, never keeps down dissension, or prevents wars or depression. Interspersed with such remarks, may often be heard another kind of talking: the spreading of rumor and gossip. When we join the chorus of those who criticize or spread rumors, we add the weight of our downward thoughts to the burden of the one who has made the mistake, thus pressing him more securely into the adverse condition to which he has brought himself. Why should we delight in the unhappy plight of a fellow human being? And, do we really want to add our bit to the burdens of the world? It is hard to believe that anyone enjoys making the world worse. Few who criticize the underdog realize that their criticisms are adding weight to the woes of humankind. One writer says, "In all things throughout the world, the man who looks for the crooked will see the crooked, and the man who looks for the straight, will see the straight." There is a bit of wisdom! It is wise, therefore, to let gossip stop with us, to refuse to spread or to believe rumors, and to lift up, mentally, with encouraging words, the fellow who seems to be down and whom we know is much in need of a helping hand. If everyone about you is talking about the hardships that exist in the world, predicting even greater difficulties, you can stop and mentally give thanks for Abundance. You can affirm that there will be plenty for everyone, plenty of jobs to keep humanity contented, plenty of food, plenty of clothing, plenty of goodwill, plenty of brotherly love, plenty of cooperation, plenty of good health and happiness and peace. Let’s not predict undue restlessness for the world, millions of homeless children, general world confusion, uncertainty, hard times, etc. Enough persons are doing this already. Let’s not look for the "crooked." Instead, let’s look for the "straight"—the good and the true. There are many persons in the world today who need encouragement, and you have the power to assure them that their problems can be solved, that there is a way out of the difficulties that confront them. Maybe, the same need has been your lot at some time. Just think back over your experience. There have, doubtless, been times when you have felt very low, possibly on the very verge of despair, utterly lacking even in hope. About that time, someone came along with a "pat on the back" or an encouraging word—made you see things were not so bad, after all, that there might be some way out. What a source of comfort, and what a strength that person was to you in your time of need. Think about this in terms of your possible "pat on the back" for someone else. In a way, a "pat on the back" is what the world needs today. We need to appoint ourselves "a committee of one" to see to it that we do not gossip, that we do not complain, that we do not contemplate catastrophes—either for individuals, communities, or nations—that we do not fear lack or shortages, in any form, that we do not criticize. So I say: Talk only on the side that you want to prevail. Speak that which will lift the hearer, rather than pull him down. Talk in a manner that is not only agreeable to the one who hears, but that brings you a sense of inner satisfaction. Did you ever have a conversation with someone, and then, after leaving that person’s presence, feel a sense of futility, of utter loss, almost a disgust with yourself, because of the trend of your conversation? Sometimes, deep within yourself, you become, almost, uneasy. It is not, particularly, that you fear that the other person will disclose the nature of your conversation, but you have a sense of not having spoken in the manner that you know that you should have. Talk of things that you want to prevail: Talk peace! Talk love! Talk joy! Talk good times! Talk happiness! Talk health! Talk friendliness! Talk harmony! Talk plenty! -Eric Butterworth
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 00:30:14 +0000

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