陶渊明 (365-427) TAO YUAN MING(365-427) 田园将芜 My - TopicsExpress


陶渊明 (365-427) TAO YUAN MING(365-427) 田园将芜 My fields will get desolate, 胡不归 Why not go back home? 既自以心为形役 Since I myself let my heart be a slave to my body, 奚惘怅而独悲 Why should I be so full of melancholy? 悟已往之不谏 I am aware the past cannot be retrieved, 知来者之可追 but the future can be repaired. 实迷途其未远 In fact I have not gone too far astray. 觉今是而昨非 I realize, wrong was yesterday, but right is today. 舟摇摇以轻扬 Lightly my boat was rowed and rowed, 风飘飘而吹衣 and gently my gown by the wind was up rolled. 问征夫以前路 I asked the passengers about the way ahead, 恨晨光之熹微 complaining the dawn was still faint over my head. 乃瞻衡宇 Discerning my humble hut, 载欣载奔 I quickened my steps with delight. 僮仆欢迎 Servants to welcome me all came out, 稚子候门 and children were waiting at the gate. 三径就荒 I found the garden paths were covered with weeds 松菊犹存 while pines and chrysanthemums still survived. 携幼入室 I carried my children into the house by the hand, 有酒盈樽 glad to see on the table wine cups were laid . 引壶觞以自酌 I raised the cup and drank the wine with my hand. 眄庭柯以怡颜 I leaned against the southern window, 倚南窗以寄傲 watching my garden trees with pleasure. 审容膝之易安 I was content with my small hut, to be sure. 园日涉以成趣 In walking everyday in the garden I took pleasure. 门虽设而常关 A gate was provided, but it was always closed. 策扶老以流憩 I walked with a stick, and took a rest whenever I felt tired. 时矫首而遐观 Occasionally I raised my head to look at the distant cloud, 云无心以出岫 which had no intention to float out of the mountain side. 鸟倦飞而知还 Even birds knew to return to the woods when they were tired. 景翳翳以将入 The day was getting dark and the sun began to set in the west side. 抚孤松而盘桓 I caressed a lone pine tree and lingered around. 归去来兮 Let me go back home 请息交以绝游 and cease to make social contact with the world outside. 世与我而相违 Since world customs are at variance with my temper, 复驾言兮焉求 why should I go out to seek fame and fortune? 悦亲戚之情话 I should be pleased with my relatives familiar looks, 乐琴书以消忧 and I can amuse myself with music and books. 农人告余以春及,Peasants will tell me spring is coming, 将有事于西畴 and they will be busy at farming. 或命巾车 I may ride in a curtained cart 或棹孤舟 or row a lonely boat. 既窈窕以寻壑 I may follow a winding stream quiet and serene to arrive at an open valley clean. 亦崎岖而经丘 I may also follow a rugged path to reach a hill-top at length. 木欣欣以向荣 Trees are thriving and vigorous, 泉涓涓而始流 While springs flow murmuring and look marvelous. 羡万物之得时 I marvel; everything comes out at the right time, 感吾生之行休 and I lament: my life will draw to a close at any time. 已矣乎 Let it be! Let it be! 寓形宇内复几时 How long can I live in the universe? 曷不委心任去留 Why not decide my fate according to my own wish? 胡为遑遑欲何之 Where do you head for in such a hurry against your wish? 富贵非吾愿 Since wealth and honors are not my wish, 帝乡不可期 and the fairyland is out of reach, 怀良辰以孤往 I only wish to travel alone on a fine day; 或植杖而耘耔 or my stick on the roadside lay, and go to the field to cut hay. 登东皋以舒啸 Or climb up the eastern hill high To relieve a long sigh. 临清流而赋诗 Or sit by a clear river side, composing poems worthy of my pride. 聊乘化以归尽 Let me abide by the law of nature to lead a life of nature. 乐夫天命复奚疑 Let me submit to the will of Heaven and be content with my fate forever!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 10:35:59 +0000

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