(*)All emotional pain is made bearable with the remembrance of - TopicsExpress


(*)All emotional pain is made bearable with the remembrance of Allah. when you cant find words to explain what youre going through, Allah knows. Turn to Him. (*)If I realize that my most precious and irreplaceable outfit has been stained, what would I do? I would try every possible method to remove the stain. Similarly sins are ugly stains that spoil our hearts and minds, and what can be more precious for a true believer than a pure heart and a sound intellect. So how can we remove these invisible stains of sins from us? Allah subhanahu wa taala gives us a simple solution in His Book, Verily, the good deeds remove the evil deeds. That is a reminder for the mindful. (Surah Hud:114) (*)Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Let no Mu’min hate a Mu’minah: if he hate her for one trait in her character, let him be pleased with another that is in her.” [Sahih Muslim] Love does not mean that we should always agree with or feel good about our partners. A man may like a quality not in his wife, but he should be conscious of the fact that she might have other qualities that are even better. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) says that spouses are like clothes for each other. They hide the defects in the body, and beautify the body. Each person wears clothes that are just the right size for their body. So also Allah gave you the spouse just right for you, somebody who complements your strengths and compensates for your weaknesses. Therefore, never compare your partner with others. Somebody else’s clothes may look great on them but terribe on you. The same applies to the wife regarding her husband. Perfection in humans is only possible in Jannah; it does not exist in humans on earth. So don’t look for it here. As clothes and bodies go together but are not the same, so also your and her strengths will be different. Do not expect your spouse to be good at the same things as you. Do not compete with each other, nor expect the other to become just like you.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 07:54:04 +0000

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