How to begin a juice reboot Please check in with a healthcare - TopicsExpress


How to begin a juice reboot Please check in with a healthcare practitioner before starting a juice fast, especially if you are on medication, have a serious illness or pregnant. *Equipment Needed The only equipment you really need is a juicer. Here the selection has become much more varied over the last 5 years. At the low end are juicers such as the Black & Decker JE2200B or Hamilton Beach brands, and higher end models are made by companies like Breville, Omega and Champion. If you plan on making juicing a part of your daily routine, I’d recommend going with a higher end juicer. If you only plan on doing it for the fast, then going with a less expensive option is okay. *Grocery Shopping A surprising benefit of a juice fast is that grocery shopping actually becomes quite simple. The produce that juices the best are fruits and vegetables that are hard and have a high water content. These include: Vegetables celery, cucumber, iceberg lettuce, tomato and zucchini. Other nutrient-rich vegetables with high water content include broccoli, green cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant and spinach Fruit apricot, blueberry, orange, peach, pineapple, plum and raspberry. Melons such as cantaloupe and watermelon have some of the highest water content, at more than 90 percent. *How Long to Fast The length of people’s juice fasts can vary widely, anywhere from 2-60 days. However, for a newcomer, it’s most definitely a good idea to start small. Juice fasts can be fairly intense, and lifestyle circumstances can make longer ones all but impossible, as a rule of thumb a 2-3 day fast is a good stepping point. *Before Pictures Even if you never end up showing the photos to anyone, you will be very happy to have your before and after weight loss pictures during those times when you doubt your progress. Changes don’t happen overnight, so these pics will make it clear how far youve come. Here are some tips for taking your pictures: Find an uncluttered spot: in front of a wall or door usually works. Later you will want to see what you are hiding now,so ladies, wear a bikini or a sports bra and short shorts. Men, take off your shirt and wear only your shorts. Take the photo in portrait mode. No cheating!! This is not the time to suck in your gut. Clean The Cupboards! If your favorite temptation is in your home then get rid of it. Clean out the refrigerator so you can spend as little time in the kitchen as possible. *Have your storage method ready and available if you plan to juice ahead. You know that fresh juice right out of the juicer is best, but it’s not always practical, right? And I know you might not have the time to be juicing several times per day. So is it possible to make a batch of juice ahead of time and store it for later? Yes, with a little know-how you can keep your juices for up to 24 hours. Glass jars are most ideal. If you must use plastic, be sure to get BPA free plastic I would recommend using glass containers to store your juice. I generally use wide mouth mason jars, either 16 or 32 ounces. *Must Haves Before You Start.. I always recommend to have a pack of gum ready. This will give you the satisfaction of chewing. I also recommend having herbal tea. This will supplement heat from food you will miss having. If you plan to do enemas have those items readily available. The first three days you may feel sick and enemas are one great way to speed up the process.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 02:51:03 +0000

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