Long story short - - -- ok, maybe not. This will probably be - TopicsExpress


Long story short - - -- ok, maybe not. This will probably be long. Back, not too long before Christmas, we lost our fur-baby Rusty. There were tears and mild drama. This was our fur-baby, after all. We also had another fur-baby, which we lovingly called our problem child --- a diabetic cat (we didnt know she was when we adopted her, but, you know, stuff happens). She was a persnickety indoor cat, getting two shots a day and eating special food. Anyway, within a couple of weeks after losing Rusty, we come home to a broken window. And a missing cat. Apparently, one of her cat friends helped her break the window and she ran off with him (the neighbor saw it). We called for her and looked for her -- to no avail. Finally, after about 4 weeks, we saw her. . . .and called to her. . . .and she ran. This went on for a looooong time. We kept putting food out (and water). (Weve become the most popular cat hangout, by the way). One day, not too long ago, we noticed that she kept coming around. So, we would pet her and coo over her (and feed her). She seemed to be very, very happy. One child remarked that her coat had never looked so good as when she was in the house, and she had lost a little weight (which she had needed to lose). This went on for a while. Then, she became a bit more bold, coming into the house sometimes --- only to turn around and run for the door. Or, if we had been a little late with the food, she would come to the front door, come in, go straight to the back door, and want to be let out to her food. Ok, then. She came and went and even jumped up on the deck rails (something we never thought she could do, due to the height), never with any regularity, except for the mornings, when she would be asking for the food. Then came. . . .last night. When it looked like she had hurt herself, and was moving rather gingerly, favoring her hind legs. Finally! A chance to get her into a crate and get her to the vet for her shots (and whatever else was going on)! So --- today, that is what we did. Crated her up (after she had eaten something) and took her in. At that close range, it did appear that there was something wrong with her, besides sore hind legs. She looked skinny and sick -- in fact, she peed and threw up in her crate on the way to the vet. We get to the vet - - - - and its like the last trip we took to the vet with Rusty. :( . Apparently, she wasnt so happy and not doing so well. We took the advice of the vet ---- well, we could have spent 500 dollars just to find out what was going on, and then more for treatment of whatever that would be --- which was, due to her age and history, and not a good prognosis, put her down. So . . . we did. Amid tears and the accompanying drama and terribly huge guilt feelings, petting her the whole way, this little Problem Child is finally at peace. Please, God, let there be a heaven for our beloved fur-babies. Even the not-so-lovable, but still loved, ones. Oh ---- and happy 13th birthday to the baby-girl that went with me. *dripping sarcasm*
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 20:23:07 +0000

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