Please everybody we MUST work to reduce emissions! Australia, with - TopicsExpress


Please everybody we MUST work to reduce emissions! Australia, with per capita emissions a staggering 24 tonnes, is like the North Korea of the South, a rogue state, working to undermine the small progress in the LAST POSSIBLE DECADE where it is possible to salvage some sort of reasonable future. Lets work to avoid the divisive and abhorrent alternative, with the earth boiling up extreme climate events, and millions trying to flee or dying from starvation and heat, while the rich countries continue to lock up resources and avoid justice. What can you do. 1) Switch to Green Power today In Victoria, the land of the smart meter rollout, Powerchoice allows flexible and intelligent choices. 2) Eat a lot less meat! Each day on vibrant healthy plant based food lowers your emissions by 7%. You will dramatically lower your risks of todays lifestyle based killers - cancer, coronary artery disease, diabetes - and you will save money as well! Animal agriculture and its ramifications within transport and deforestation account for about half of global emissions. 3) Energy Efficiency Moves like switching to LED lighting have a pay back period of under 3 years - your bank manager will approve! Start a sustainability section or newsletter at work. Lobby your place of employment about changing lighting, installing PV, and switching to Green Power, and check out incentives like the VEET (safe for now) or other State based initiatives. You can add double insulation at home, work to shade north and west facing windows, plug leaks and drop your heating and cooling bills. Our grandfathers and mothers wore jumpers inside and coats outside - we dont need to maintain an even temperature at work all year round either. Learn to turn lights off, and computers off - make all these efficiency ideas a fun competitive part of workplace too! 4) Solar PV So Tony wants to axe renewables, so his fossil friends make 10B more profit and we suffer 14B of health cost - and you are deterred by no subsidies? Do it anyway! You can start small with a couple of panels and put your lighting and a camp fridge on the circuit - and add in a no cost black plastic coiled system off your exterior tap and back in your kitchen window, with a camp shower if you dare - to drop half of your energy usage. Or invest in your financial future and your childrens well being and put in a good system! 5) Blog, tweet, march, email, ring your MP, scream and yell and VOTE We are at near 2 degrees now considering the 3 tipping points already started (Arctic, West Antarctic and Greenland ice mass now irreversibly declining) and the heat trapped in the oceans. In effect we have no carbon budget left to burn. We must proceed to a zero emissions economy ASAP or see our children face the horrors of a four degree world where civilisation is gone, progressing to five degrees by the end of the century where the world would be lucky to sustain a billion people. Humanitys future rests on our shoulders We must act NOW
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:27:10 +0000

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