BY NATURAL SELECTION AND DESIGN, HUMANS ARE APEX HUNTERS AT THE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN AND HAVE EARNED THE RIGHT TO DOMINATE, CONTROL, KILL AND EAT THE ANIMALS What do you think of this argument? Heres what I think Humans are not part of the food chain. That is absurd. We created the concept to explain the relationship OUT IN THE WILD between natural predator and prey animals. Humans exempted themselves from that system when we came out of the wild and learned how to create a million varieties of food...including farmed and manufactured. We have no natural prey or predator...claiming we ostensibly won some epic struggle over the ages against the other animals That supposedly entitles us In winner take all-might makes right fashion to imprison, exploit, torture, kill and eat animals is simply ego centric absurdity. As if humankind is no better than ancient barbarians like Attila the Hun pillaging and raping and killing because we are supposedly entitled to the spoils of this mythical war against the other animals. A complete fiction and fairy tale to pacify the masses who would otherwise be outraged at the cruelty of the Animal Holocaust. That is just a lame excuse to self justify our selfish and unjust cruelty against the animals. Its nonsense because it does not apply to matter how hard you beat your chest and yell Apex Hunter..... And then sit down like a true predator in a restaurant to have your meal...killed by someone else far away...cooked and fed to you like a pampered child. What a fierce carnivore predator... Dont make me laugh any harder than you already did by mentioning such rationalizing contrived nonsense. Every animal has the birthright to be free from human harm. Because before our minds are poisoned and contaminated with messages of acceptability of murder for taste and profit, we were born empathetic and Compassionate and instinctively know that killing or exploiting Animals for our selfish desires is Unjust. When you finally hack your programming and learn to think for yourself, THIS is what you will find...and in that moment you will know why Im Vegan....and why you should be too.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:30:01 +0000

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