Heres a first read and Law the vast majority of American of God - TopicsExpress


Heres a first read and Law the vast majority of American of God and Nation First have never Heard of: The Twelve Tables of Law - Jon Roland has placed at the Constitution Society website at They have a FB Page also. The Two of Three Sacred Documents have a protected and secure location of the vast array of information for Wisdom, Knowledge in Truth for Trust, Faith in Promise of our Everlasting Father and His Son of man our Holy Ghost/ unique, Immortal-Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will/ Courage -Strength - Conscience of Person of separate and equal station and no physical or environmental characteristics. The No Law in the Declaration, Lie and steal are justified and hourly demonstrated in fact and evidence by this current, anti-Republic under God Regimes Arbitrary, human precept, rules of conduct - coercion demonstrated in fact and evidence through the Regimes crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and transgression: Common Law Public Value-collective, mass people, underground-perfidy-demockracy enslaved to government interests, the Regimes edict of supreme rule of law from the Socialist-Communist written UDHR of UN/ EU/ World Court - our We the People/ Consent of the Governed, judiciary/ World Bank - our Federal Reserve entwined to repudiate this from Table II, Law III: Law III: Where anyone is deprived of the evidence of a witness let him call him with a loud voice in front of his house, on three market-days. So you Christians, Catholics - Mormons - Methodist, among other workers of Iniquity, and Jews, especially of NY who dont know why America is in Trouble; and who consider..... When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for One People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them to another, and assume Among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle THEM, in order to engage...We hold these Truths to be SELF EVIDENT.... : INDEPENDENCE, noun [in and dependence.] 1. A state of being not dependent; complete exemption from control, or the power of others; as the independence of the Supreme Being. 2. A state in which a person does not rely on others for subsistence; ability to support ones self. 3. A state of mind in which a person acts without bias or influence from others; exemption from undue influence; self-direction. independence of mind is an important qualification in a judge. Declaration of independence the solemn declaration of the Congress of the United States of America, on the 4th of July 1776, by which they formally renounced their subjection to the government of Great Britain, with Isolated Constitution written to be violated since 1969-70s CLPV; ....1828 or 1913, Politics,..... beneath your dignity of ignorance, for attention, let alone stand, protect, and secure for ourselves and our Posterity do ordain.. Both with The Gospel, and Book of Mormon, in Gods name by man: Look at This and Listen/ understand, see/ perceive: Table II, Law III. Where anyone is deprived of the evidence of a witness let him call him with a loud voice in front of his house, on three market-days. --- Make the connections inherent to The Son of man, standing in Silence... before Pontius Pilates question....Does this overwhelm You in His Love for His Father, and for YOU? Do You Think, because that Is Earth and Our Specific in stated, in writing and applied, King of Kings to Our Archetypal Republic under God, YOU could do as Christ did --- Sir Thomas More, and many others have stood in silence is agreement from Ezekiel 33. But that Biblical Command is often for the other - father evil-father lie... being permitted in all the violations against We the People and Consent of the governed - Person, natural OR NATURALIZED. We Can begin, just begin, and with The Lords Prayer said in Your full heart/ mind/ soul, alone - first, then with others you know, and will never know, i.e transitive and recursive. .. for the damage of the arbitrary power, rules of conduct - coercion in collusion with violence directed against Constitutional Persons unique, Immortal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will/ Courage-Strength, is diffuse among ALL things that belong to earth and the Whole Created System of things, on November 4, 2014, 4 weeks. But DO NOT USE MAIL-IN BALLOTS, VOTE AT YOUR PRECINCT TO PROTECT YOUR OWN ONE PERSON IS ONE VOTE INTO THE BALLOT BOX AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD PRECINCT EVEN WITH A LINE, FOR IN LINE - YOU MUST BE ALLOWED TO VOTE. There is a reason why the word has been ABSENTEE Ballot which most of you are too young to know -- and no School will ever teach - along with Religion and Morality to any of our Posterity - violating the instructions from all our Colonists, Founders among them -- Connection: that tells you who not to vote for in the so-called, mythical world of Nonpartisan EVERY-ONE-PERSON PROTECTED AND SECURE IN ALL RIGHT/POSITIVE LAW THOUGH EXERCISING YOUR OWN CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED - also named VOTE, and DO NOT USE THE COMPUTER . YOU MUST LEARN THE ISSUES, KNOW WHETHER YOUR CANDIDATE UNDERSTANDS AND COMPREHENDS GOD - IN HIS OATH OF OFFICE -- EVERY SINGLE OFFICIAL, ELECTED, APPOINTED - DO NOT CONFIRM, LEAVE DOTS BLANK - THE APPOINTMENTS TO THE LONG TIME, ANTI-REPUBLIC UNDER GOD - SUPREME COURT OF CA, in which you can know the verdict BEFORE the case enters the building.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:00:52 +0000

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