Introducing real history: The Contient of Africa or literally - TopicsExpress


Introducing real history: The Contient of Africa or literally the Continent of the Hamites and Shemites. The real Land of Noahc is in West Africa formally known as the Kanem Empire and Bornu. This is also the place where Qayin lived. Noah’s ark landed near Lake Chad see Commentary Beresheeth (Gen) chapter 8. This was not a small orchard but the Garden was created in West Africa and its boundaries ran from Africa to Y’sra’el because all the animals were also in the Garden. The Garden was erected after the rebellion of Lilith who ran away and Elohim turned her into a demoness (See Yeshayahu 34:11). The need for the Garden was to protect Ahdahm and Chava from the rebel malakhim who had descended to wreck creation in jealousy. Shem was the Kohen (priest) the Malech-Tzadik Beresheeth 14:18, King Messiah was to fit under this order, the King Messiah was also to be born under this line of the Black Hebrews. Shem and Cham were believed to be twins by the scholar John Lamb however they were not twins because Cham was the son of Noach’s wife Emzara. Shem and Cham were both black in colour. 2 Cham means hot therefore black by definition. 3 In ancient Hebrew Yapet means “High Head”, in other words proud and a deceiver speaking from two tongues. This has been Yapet’s style throughout history to acquire things by deception. If you want to validate this then examine the history how the Grecians conquered nations the famous Trojan hourse incident in Troy. The capture and slavery of Africa and modern India are prime examples of deception of the mouth of Yapet. The modern Ashkenazi and many sephardi Jews are gentile converts. The Ashkenazi came from Khazaria near the Caspian Sea and the Sephardi came from “Yemen”, this is where a whole kingdom conveted to Judaism in the ancient times. Both Ashkenazi and Sephardi were the largest slave traders of the real black Hebrew people. See Tony Martin “The Jewish Onslaught”. Look at Aaron Lopez one of the richest Sephardi enslavers or real Y’sra’el in America. Aaron Lopez (1731–1782), born Duarte Lopez, was a Jewish merchant and philanthropist. He became the wealthiest person in Newport, Rhode Island, in British America. In 1761 and 1762, Lopez unsuccessfully sued the Colony of Rhode Island for citizenship. Between 1761 and 1774, Lopez was involved in the slave trade.[9] While The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews describes Lopez as Newports leading participant in the Black Holocaust, historian Eli Faber determined Lopez underwrote 21 slave ships during a period in which Newport sent a total of 347 slave ships to Africa, and Faber described Lopezs ventures in the slave trade as an infinitesimal part of the British slave trade.[10] By the beginning of the American Revolution, Lopez owned or controlled 30 vessels. Simon Altaf comments – Do not fall for the typical argument of a Jewish Cohen blood DNA test. It proves nothing since there is no record of a DNA dug up out of Y’sra’el of a real Black Yahudi Cohen to determine such a scenario. This is only a distraction and a smoke screen which does not prove anything. The real Hebrew test is your ancestory where you originated from in Africa such as Ghana, Niger, Sudan, Nigeria, Chad, South Africa and some other countries there which likely prove a true Hebrew. If you were in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, enslaved in Europe, Caribbean Islands, America, Brazil and Portugal then you are likely a true Y’sra’elite.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 03:46:00 +0000

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