My testimony will exemplify what Denise J. Hart taught us today on - TopicsExpress


My testimony will exemplify what Denise J. Hart taught us today on the Morning Success Call with #Shalenadiva. WE HAVE TO STOP TELLING AND BELIEVING OUR OWN LIES ABOUT OURSELVES. A few weeks ago, I had become so discouraged from all that was happening in my life. I mean it was one thing after the other, after the other. Thankfully, I wasnt whining or complaining, I was actually FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE even though I was discouraged. You see, everything Ive been through has strengthened me and I know how to WAR SPIRITUALLY now. However, I was at a crossroads. I was AFRAID to step out and play full out in my calling because I had huge self doubts. BUT... God had to remind me of who He was and who I am. He also reminded me of the doors Hes opened and the ways Hes made in the past. It was as if He stood me in a mirror and told me to see myself as He sees me. I came across work I did in 2012 and was like... DANG!! I DID THAT!!! THAT WAS ME!!! I could feel God saying YES!!! Thats who you ARE, but better. You are NOT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES!!! I have given you the power to get wealth. Use your gifts and talents. Here is one of my videos I watched. Look at how much value I was able to pour into these people. You see, I was clinging to the LIE that I wasnt good enough or that I couldnt share my gifts in a big way. I had to undo the lie and start owning my truth!!!! I AM BRILLIANT!!!! I AM AMAZING!!!! I AM ENOUGH!!! I AM SHALENA D.I.V.A.!!!! I hope this message inspires you to stop living the lies and embrace your truth, your fabulous truth. I DARE YOU!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 18:17:41 +0000

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