My thoughts- On Life Our life- Everyday we as mere humans are - TopicsExpress


My thoughts- On Life Our life- Everyday we as mere humans are subject to the outbursts of man. Unfortunately many of these outburst are cruel and heartless without regard for anyones inner feelings other then their own. We tend to look at everything in a negative way, why me, how come this is happening, I just got one problem after another, it will never get better, Im doomed. Then we have personality conflicts, like I always call him, he never calls me back, why is my friend insulting me, or I do not know why he does the things he does. We have developed a hard shell and take everything on a personnel level, then since we think we know it all acquire our own perception of what everybody should be like and that is of course we think they should be like us, as we are right and they are wrong. And this is the way we live. One must stop and ask why? God has made us in His image and we are all created equal. He does not distinguish between black, white, Hispanic. Classifications are abolished in heaven. Our perception to assume what we think others should do or not do is irrelevant ! God gave us this great gift called free will. Free will lets us all decide on what to do and how to do it. Its the true power of the Holy Spirit that convicts us when we are out of realm as we left to ourselves can not do this. We do not know what another person is going through,so if they do not act or do as we ourselves expect we are mad and make things even worse by opening our mouths and hurling out a blob of hurtful negativity. We must have a different mind set. We can not assume we know whats best for someone, what is good for me may not be good for another. The common denominator here quite frankly is the a absence of the Holy Spirit. We ourselves think we can control everything, but we cant, we can not even control our own feelings. Think about it. If someone were to cut you off this morning in route to work, come on be honest, you are probably going to yell,curse, and give hand signals that display you anger, now this will be stored in you for the rest of the day and thus oozing out at others when someone else comes into you airspace in the same manner. This is life here, it is what it is. Now we do not have to live with all these perceptions, nor do we have to carry within us all the negativity and foolishness of man. No we can not do it ourselves but with Jesus it is possible. See when we ask Him into our lives and accept Him He gives us a helper whom if we listen to will guide us and bring us happiness thru negative situations, and happiness comes in many different forms for me happiness is the realization of blessings and that I can see them because I can see Christ! We all can! The helper is called the Holy Spirit! Today seek Christ, seek the almighty power of the Helper and really, truly, begin to enjoy your life, and have the guarantee of one day going home and living Your Father (God) and His Son our savior Lord Jesus Christ ) and some of your family and friends whom have gone before you. See its a win win situation all around. I mean if your going to gamble today like buying a lottery ticket, you are putting all your hopes, dream, ambitions, in something that is uncertain, and even if you beat the odds and win you have to ask yourself did you really win. You have no guaranty of everlasting life, your joy is in the place of doom, so accept Jesus today, and get that guaranteed winning lottery ticket as He is the winner and all that is in Him posses that ticket! God Bless you all, I pray I see you home one day in the room our Father is preparing for me us now! Have a great day!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:14:32 +0000

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