Standing on The Promises by Robert Strand....(A good story) In - TopicsExpress


Standing on The Promises by Robert Strand....(A good story) In the earlier days of our country, a weary traveler came upon the banks of the Mississippi River near the Minnesota and Wisconsin border. It was early winter and the surface of the mighty river was covered with ice. With no bridge in sight, the woman, who was a stranger to this part of the country, faced a dilemma. Would she dare make the crossing? What about the thickness of the ice? Would this ice hold her weight? She couldnt turn back. Night was almost upon her, and it was important that she reach her destination on the other side of the river. She really didnt know what to do. Finally, she convinced herself there was a way she might be able to cross safely. If she got down on her hands and knees, she would distribute her weight over a larger surface. With much fear and hesitation, she began her long cautious crawl across the Mississippi. All the while she was hoping and praying she would make it to the other side without any kind of mishap. About halfway across, she heard the sound of loud singing and the thunder of a team of horses. Out of the dusk appeared a man with an eight-horse-hitch pulling a huge load of coal. When the wagoneer came to the edge of the river, he didnt even slow down and drove his team right onto the ice and across, singing at the top of his lungs ! Suddenly feeling foolish on her hands and knees, the woman stood to her feet and walked with no fear the rest of the way across the frozen river. As she listened, the driver and his horses disappeared int the distance ! Too many of us are creeping through life with extreme caution on the promises of God ! We are afraid and fearful that what God has promised might not be sufficient for our need. We step out in faith, lightly. The promises of God are not fragile and about to cave in with you standing on top of them. We are to stand on the promises, just like the songwriter has challenged us to do ! We are to appropriate them, use them, and stand firmly on them ! THEY ARE FOUNDATIONAL ! They will not break with your need. Its God were dealing with, and God is God ! Believe what the Word of God says ! He had promised that you can be an overcomer !
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 13:41:57 +0000

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