The Dangers of Our National Prosperity; and the Way to Avoid - TopicsExpress


The Dangers of Our National Prosperity; and the Way to Avoid Them[1] Samuel Wales (1748-1794) “In the first place, on of [the evils] which we have much reason to lament and fear, is ingratitude, vile ingratitude both to God and to man…But alas! what poor returns have we made to our great Deliverer! Witness our cold hearts and our irreligious lives. How much less inclined are we to return him sincere thanks for these favours now, than we were to ask them of him in the times of our distress? How small are the emotions of gratitude in our hearts, towards the God of all our salvations! And what little honour do we bring to his name by our lives and conversation!” Christians are called to give thanks in all things and at all times. Hmmm… How’s that going in your church? It is characteristic of unbelievers to know God but refuse to give Him thanks. What’s our excuse? What would it look like if we were more consistently a people of thanksgiving? How do you train people to live in gratitude to God? As a nation and Church we are afflicted with a blight of ingratitude. Instead of giving thanks like we should, we complain that we don’t have all that we think we should, given the desires of our hearts. But if the desire of our heart were mainly to love God and honor Him, thanksgiving would be more on our lips, and peace and rejoicing would be more characteristic of our daily lives.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 10:54:33 +0000

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