5 REASONS TO START EATING OATS TODAY Eating oats can PROTECT your system from various SERIOUS ailments. RICH in FIBRES and PROTEINS, they are a good source of ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS, plant chemicals, AMINO ACIDS and vitamin E. They also are RICH in copper, IRON, zinc and MAGNESIUM and can PREVENT chronic ILLNESSES when consumed on a REGULAR basis. Read on to know other BENEFITS of eating oats REGULARLY. PREVENTS CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Eating oatmeal can LOWER your CHOLESTEROL levels as it is made up of DIETARY FIBRES that helps LOWER the BAD cholesterol (LDL) without lowering the good one (HDL). Eating a cup of oats every day with a high-fibre, LOW-FAT DIET can do wonders in PREVENTING heart disease. According to a new research, the antioxidants present in oats REDUCE the ability of the blood cells to stick to the insides of the artery walls and thus REDUCE CHOLESTEROL. PREVENTS CONSTIPATION Oats are a RICH SOURCE of fibre – both SOLUBLE and INSOLUBLE ones. These help in REGULATING bowel movements and PREVENT constipation. They are also a GOOD OPTION for people who want to LOSE WEIGHT as the fibres make you FEEL FULL FOR LONGER and you end up eating less. CHILDREN who eat a bowl of oatmeal REGULARLY are less likely to be OBESE and OVERWEIGHT. CONTROLS BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS DIABETICS should CONSUME oats regularly as oat beta-glucan DELAYS the FALL IN BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS before meals and slows the rise after a meal. This means, there aren’t MAJOR CHANGES in its levels and your DIABETES is better controlled. REDUCES CANCER RISK Oats contain a compound called LIGNIN which helps REDUCE chances of HORMONE-RELATED CANCERS like breast, PROSTATE and ovarian cancer. EATING OATS IS THEREFORE GOOD FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. According to a research, women who have a higher intake of fibre have LOWER LEVELS of circulating OESTROGEN and are at a lesser risk of breast cancer. REDUCES HYPERTENSION If you SUFFER from high blood pressure, a daily dose of oats will help you REDUCE it along with other COMPLICATIONS that it can lead to. HYPERTENSION is becoming COMMON these days with even youngsters suffering from it due to STRESS and LIFESTYLE CHANGES. Eating oats can help COMBAT this problem. HOW TO MAKE OATS TASTIER? Now that you know its BENEFITS..... ... Here’s a FEW TIPS to make your oatmeal TASTIER as well as healthier. A QUICK and EASY way to make your morning bowl of oats tasty is to add chopped dry fruits or cut fruits to it. This will not only add to its TASTE but will also make it more NUTRITIOUS. You could also SPRINKLE a bit of your FAVOURITE herbs/spices on it to improve its taste like CINNAMON. This will help REGULATE your blood SUGARS even better. You can also add NUTS such as ALMONDS, peanuts etc......ENJOY!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 08:49:05 +0000

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