Pray, Pray, Pray and Pray Some More Day 1 of Lesson 4 Pray, - TopicsExpress


Pray, Pray, Pray and Pray Some More Day 1 of Lesson 4 Pray, Pray and Pray Some More (26 Things Life Taught Me). The power of prayer is real! It is so incredibly powerful especially when done in numbers so be quick to offer a prayer to someone and just as quick to ask for one. Along my journey I was taught much about the power of prayer. I learned that there isn’t anything that can’t be handled by a prayer, and I mean anything. When we choose to have prayer as part of our daily life, it becomes as natural as breathing and as necessary as oxygen. This was a new concept for me. I always thought that prayer was a formal or specifically worded prayer that was done before bed or in church on Sunday by someone who was much more important to God than me. He taught me real quick that we all have a direct line to Him, and that we are to dial that number often! I soon realized I was to turn to God in all areas of my life and began to understand the gift of prayer God also taught me not only to pray for others but how to pray for myself. Yes, it is okay to pray for yourself … actually it is essential. If we don’t pray asking God to protect us, help us, and teach us, how do we ever expect to be the Lights He has called us to be in this world? God taught me to pray asking Him to search my heart and mind asking Him to remove anything that would hurt me or others. No way did I want to do this! I already felt unworthy and it was a very hard thing to do because I was afraid of what would surface. But, I knew I had to do it. At first, I felt so much shame that it even caused me to stumble. I quickly learned that I was being shown these things, so I could release it to Him in prayer. So I could ask for forgiveness and ask Him to remove that from my heart. My deep prayer life began in desperate times when I really needed help, often thru tears of desperation; but, nonetheless looking to Him for the answer which soon progressed into looking to Him to BE my answer which was key in my spiritual journey. I clung to Him like a little child. I learned to say prayers of thankfulness for what He has done in my life and what He was doing. I learned to lift up others I didn’t even know like someone standing in front of me in line at the grocery store. If it is placed in my heart that someone in front of me needs a prayer, I immediately begin to pray quietly directly from my heart without a single word spoken from my lips. My prayers then progressed to moments of complete silence (I know that sounds impossible for me :) and trust me, it was not easy but once I was able to sit quietly with God, the clarity of hearing His voice in my heart allowed me to hear what I needed to pray about and for whom). There are few things in this world as powerful as being awakened in the middle of the night and asking God why He is waking you to hear Him speak into your heart to pray for someone only later to find out they were facing something very difficult in life. How does that happen?!? God, that’s how – He’s amazing! And when we pray often asking Him to lead, He moves powerfully in our lives and others … where He leads, He succeeds. Just like with anything in life, it may seem a little uncomfortable at first because you don’t know if you are doing it right but please don’t think that way, understand that God doesn’t care how you are praying He just wants you to pray. If you are still nervous about praying, start simple like, “God please help me to pray. Amen.” Or, “God please watch over my family, friends and me today. Amen.” A child would turn to their parent to be taught so why are we so hesitant to turn directly to God asking Him to teach us? Do you see a toddler going out in the world looking for someone other than their parent to teach them how to love, how to eat or how to behave? No, of course not but that is the very thing many do to God. Ask God to teach you starting with prayer. His teaching is like nothing the world can provide. Pray and pray often! Many Blessings to you, with MUCH Love!!! :) Ammie L. Peters blessings2good
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 11:14:17 +0000

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